“The Vagina Monologues,” an annual show produced by UW-Eau Claire’s V-Day Campaign, features monologues read by a varying number of women.
Started in 1996 by women’s rights activist Eve Ensler, the monologues use the vagina as a tool of female empowerment and the ultimate embodiment of individuality. According to the group’s website, every monologue somehow relates to the vagina, through sex, love, rape, menstruation or as a physical aspect of the body.
The V-Day Campaign at Eau Claire produces the Vagina Monologues to raise money for organizations like Bolton Refuge House, a local battered women’s shelter, and the Center for Awareness of Sexual Assault. According to the Vagina Monologues’ website, money raised from ticket sales, donations and the auction allow the group to donate $5,000 on average each year.
The cast includes almost 35 students and is performed at 7:30 p.m. from Feb. 23 to 25 in Schofield Auditorium.
The Spectator interviewed three of the shows performers, along with the show’s student producer to get an inside look at the purpose and reasons why vaginas are important.