Eyes of Eau Claire: Reiki and the healing arts
EC Energist Hilary Ivory talks complementary therapy and the artist community
More stories from Elizabeth Gosling
The art and healing form of reiki may spark disbelief — however, one Eau Claire professional seeks to debunk the so-called hoax.
Reiki Master-Teacher Hilary Ivory says she has connections with stones and channels their energy through her work. She started her own small business, called EC Energist.
Ivory said visions come regarding different people when she holds certain stones, and although it sounds bizarre, the stones have properties that can help people solve their problems.
“Anytime I start anything creative, it (reiki) just starts to flow,” Ivory said.
Reiki originated in Japan, and it translates into “spiritual energy,” Ivory said. However, since reiki came to the United States, the practice changed and is considered different from the original form in Japan.
Although she specializes in reiki and crystal practices, Ivory also makes jewelry and has recently begun making dream catchers.
“I have a hard time identifying as an artist because I more feel like it’s the reiki speaking through me,” Ivory said, “it’s the energy speaking through me.”
This past April, Ivory finished the final stage of the reiki process and became a master. There are three levels, with attunements of 21 days between each one. During this time period, Ivory said she had to meditate daily, live a healthy lifestyle and reflect on the lessons in reiki training.
Although Ivory completed the reiki process in the traditional Japanese practice, some reiki practitioners complete the skillset over a weekend, with one attunement after all three levels.
She said many people who do Tarot card readings also choose to do reiki to offer another service to possible clients. Reiki is extremely sacred to her, she said, making this a faulty decision and the practice should not be something to just “tack on” to their services.
“You see people at psychic fairs doing reiki and they’ll have one hand up in the air and one hand down like they are doing something magic and I just don’t like that because it is not magic, anyone can do it, you just have to get attuned,” Ivory said. “You just have to have the best intentions possible.”
When neither the reiki master or aspiring practitioner have the best hopes possible, neither one feels the healing effects reiki offers.
The complementary therapy can help with stress relief, addictions, depression and anxiety. Ivory treats her not only her clients and their pets, but also her friends and family.
Ivory knew she wanted to get into reiki when she was working at another job in Eau Claire. The work environment was negative, prompting her to pursue another avenue in the community.
“I’ve always been able to see people’s energies, I just didn’t know that other people didn’t,” she said.
In the artist community, Ivory receives support from Tangled Up In Hue and the artist market, which occurs on certain Saturdays during the Farmers Market. She will also be teaching classes at the store relating to her crafts and jewelry.
She said the local art store helps her business succeed. Her Facebook page, EC Energist, as well as Instagram site are also ways she has gained attention in the city. Potential clients can also book appointments right on her website as well.
Ivory aims to make a ripple effect on the Eau Claire community by promoting positive energy. For example, if one person is wearing a stone in a workplace and is not affected by a coworker’s negativity, it motivates the rest of the work team to resist the bad energy.
Her store is a small house located in the East Hill neighborhood. On certain days, Ivory holds reiki sessions, and other days she opens up the store to sell items. Because the location has limited space, she said she is considering getting another location merely for reiki.
Ivory’s store, at 817 Chauncey St., is open every day except Sunday. The store is open Mondays and Fridays 1-3 p.m. and 5-8 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Wednesdays from 1-8 p.m. and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.