Reonna Huettner
Community members of Eau Claire can find information about this event at local businesses like Racy D'Lenes Coffee or SHIFT Cyclery and Coffee Bar.
Interfaith for Racial Justice, a collaboration of diverse faiths working together to take action for racial justice and unity for the betterment of our community, started a community project toward promoting racial justice here in the Chippewa Valley area.
The Chippewa Valley Community Postcard Project is asking members of the community to submit a postcard with personal artwork designed based on a list of questions encouraging people to think about racial barriers.
There are four steps to being involved with the project and the first is to grab a 4×6 postcard made from card stock, cardboard or paper.
The project is offering free postcards for people who are unable to get access, and individuals can send them an email at cvpostcard@gmail.com.
Step two is to select a question to use as an inspiration to make the artwork.
The questions to choose from are:
What can I do to make the Chippewa Valley a place where people of color feel more appreciated?
What can I do to connect with someone from a race or culture other than mine?
How can I be a friend to all people?
How can I stand up for someone who’s being treated unfairly?
What skills or strengths can I use or develop to help create racial justice?
What would the Chippewa Valley look like if people of all races and cultures were welcomed with justice, compassion and appreciation?
Step three is important Amy Hahn, a member of Interfaith for Racial Justice, said, because the project is all about working together.
“The idea is to collaborate, whether you’re in the same space or distant,” Hahm said in the instructional video on Facebook.
Also, “stick figures are welcome,” she said.
The last step is to mail the postcard to 930 Galloway St. Mailbox 4, Eau Claire, Wis. 54703, or to drop it off at Joining our neighbors, advancing hope, 505 S. Dewey St. Suite 204, Eau Claire, Wis. 54703 before June 1.
For more information on the project, check out the Facebook page.
What is the expected outcome for the project?
With this being the first year of operating the Postcard Project, the organization is not sure what to expect. Jan Frase, member of Interfaith for Racial Justice, went around to local places, leaving as many as 50 postcards for people to be involved.
“We do not know what kind of response is going to be expected,” Frase said, “but there is no one that has said no and everywhere we went to with this was very interested.”
The project, along with other local supporters including, BaredFeet Co., Black & Brown Womyn Power Coalition, Chippewa Valley Equality Initiative, JONAH and Uniting Bridges, are wanting to work toward the same thing — racial justice — Frase said.
Outside of local organizations, there is also a large amount of support coming from churches and other community groups like the Boys and Girls Club.
While it is too early to know the impact of the project, the organization is hoping to have a postcard project every year and possibly look into other themes each time, Frase said.
The organization’s goal throughout the course of the project is to, through non-violent ways, educate the community of racial justice.
“People want to do more outside of ‘thoughts and prayers’ after violent or unjust events occur,” Frase said. “The postcard project is a way of doing just that.”
Once all postcards are collected, they will be put together to create window posters all around the Chippewa Valley area in support of Juneteenth.
For answers to any questions please contact the Chippewa Valley Postcard Project’s Facebook page or email them at cvpostcard@gmail.com.
Huettner can be contacted at huettnrl8982@uwec.edu.