Spec Pets
The lovable, furry friends of The Spectator Ed Board
Photo by Kalyn Cronk
Chief Copy Editor Kalyn Cronk’s black labs, 3-year-old Vinnie (left) and 11-year-old Louie (right), pose for the holiday spirit.

Morgan Burke is a fourth-year photography and multimedia communications student. This is her fourth semester on The Spectator, and first as Multimedia Editor. In her free time, she loves to make hyper-specific Spotify playlists and eat avocado toast.

Sam Johnson is a fifth-year creative writing and journalism student and this is his fourth semester on staff. When he's not panicking in The Spectator office about becoming a real adult soon, he's panicking in other places, usually his dorm or Dooley's, about becoming a real adult soon.

Thomas DeLapp is a fourth-year English and journalism student, and this is his fifth semester on staff. He loves oxford commas and loathes AP style for taking them away from him.

Nick Porisch is a third-year English student, and this is his fourth semester at The Spectator. Most of the time you can find him just sitting around someplace, potentially writing but usually just sitting. On the rare occasion he’s not sitting around, he might be rock climbing or running. But most likely he’s just sitting somewhere.

Kalyn Cronk is a third-year RSTC and journalism student. This is her first semester on The Spectator staff but her last semester of college. In her free time, she likes to go on walks and go on spending sprees in Target.

Oludare is a fourth-year journalism student and this is his fifth semester on The Spectator. He likes watching basketball and is pretty mediocre at it, but that doesn't stop him from playing it. He has a small but growing record collection and believes Woody Harrelson is a style icon and national treasure — fact not opinion.
Sabrina Ftouhi is a fourth-year creative writing and political science student. This is her fourth semester on The Spectator. She loves animals, hiking and road-trips anywhere.

McKenna Dirks is a fourth-year journalism student and this is her seventh semester on The Spectator staff. She thrives under chaotic environments, loves plants and often gives off "granola girl" vibes with her Blundstone boots.