“Fenced Waves” art exhibit

New art exhibit at Haas Fine Arts Center

Bridget Maxwell

More stories from Bridget Maxwell

Photo by Bridget Maxwell

Featured artists Antoine Williams and Sherrill Roland present “Fenced Waves.”

The new exhibition in Haas Fine Art Center is up and ready for the public. Artists Antoine Williams and Sherrill Roland share the space with a common theme: Black life and experiences.

Williams’ “Other Suns” is a wheat paste installation that intertwines 14 minutes and 34 seconds of an audio collage of found sound effects with dialogue from Isabel Wilkerson’s “The warmth of Other Suns,” “No Longer Human” by Osamu Dazai and “The Black Fusionist Society Manifesto” written by Williams. 

On Williams’ website he explains that his piece focuses on the physical, emotional, psychological and temporal landscapes Black bodies have had to traverse in order to find spaces of freedom. 

Sherrill Roland’s art highlights wrongful convictions, mass incarceration and the problems within prison systems. 

Roland’s art features his “Jumpsuit Project” and pieces made out of materials that can only be found in prison.

Maxwell can be reached at [email protected].