EC Eats

My take on how to make French toast in a cup

Skyler Schad

More stories from Skyler Schad

If you’re asking me
October 4, 2023

I wasn’t always a huge breakfast eater, partly because I can be incredibly lazy and partly because simply nothing sounded good in my pantry.

Despite this, I love breakfast food, specifically sweet breakfast food. Give me a plate of chocolate chip pancakes, and it will be devoured in a matter of two seconds.

I was messing around on Pinterest one day when I stumbled upon a recipe for French toast in a mug. See, I love French toast, but it requires way too much work for my half-awake brain.

This recipe was just calling my name. All I had to do was shove some ingredients into a mug, stick it in the microwave, then enjoy. 

Easy? Yes. Only a few ingredients? Yes. Delicious? Absolutely.

If you need a quick breakfast but don’t want cereal, this is the perfect recipe, especially for broke college students like us.

Here’s the fun thing about this article: I’m not giving you exact measurements, because that’s exactly how I always made this breakfast treat.

How I throw together my French toast in a mug:

In a mug, plop in your desired amount of butter. Throw that in the microwave until the butter is fully melted. Swirl it in the mug until it covers the sides.

Next is one egg –– I always use half of an applesauce cup to make it vegan. Then add in as much milk as you want, cinnamon and maple syrup (go crazy with that last one). Mix all of that together in the mug with a fork.

If you’re feeling extra wild, you could add some other things to the mug, such as berries, chocolate chips or maybe even some sprinkles.

Now, grab two to three slices of bread. Cut –– or rip –– the slices of bread and put them into the mug. Use the fork to mix that around.

Put the mug into the microwave and set the timer to about a minute and a half. Pull the mug out and double-check to make sure the batter isn’t wet anymore.

If the batter is still undercooked, throw it in for another 30 seconds or so. Once it’s done, your mug will be incredibly hot, so be careful.

Now for the most important part: sit and wait about 15 minutes for it to cool down. I give you this tip after I burnt my tongue while eating this about 10 different times.

I’ve probably tortured some of you enough by not including the link to a recipe, so here is a (real) recipe on how to make French toast in a cup.

Alright, now I need to go buy myself some bread and make some microwavable French toast ASAP.

Have fun trying this recipe, and don’t burn your tongue, please.

Schad can be reached at