Senator Pat Kreitlow (D-Chippewa Falls) visited Eau Claire Monday, speaking to a small group at the Eau Claire Democratic Party headquarters. In the midst of a crowd waving “Bush/McCain, more of the same” signs, Kreitlow focused his address on campaign funding differences between the two presidential hopefuls, as well as economic conditions, college students and the Iraq war.
Kreitlow stressed that one of the most important factors in understanding how a future president will run a government is to see who is funding the campaign, claiming that the John McCain (R-Ariz.) campaign is backed largely by lobbyists while Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is supported by “an army of small donors” he said. Kreitlow continued saying the current economy needs professional, careful management instead of lobbyist manipulation and control. The first step in ending lobbying is to let lobbyists know their cash will not be accepted, he said.
“We need to remind people where they are putting their hopes … to depend on the American public to govern for the people,” Kreitlow said about ending lobbying in Washington.
– Spectator Staff