In order for UW-Eau Claire students to have as much information on Student Senate candidates as possible before voting begins April 15, The Spectator allowed every candidate to send in a short biography of themselves and what they hope to accomplish as Senators.
The candidates are listed alphabetically.
Cale Arhart- “My name is Cale Arhart and I am running for an off-campus Student Senate position. I currently serve as an off-campus Student Senator. I chose to embark on such a position because I became aware of certain aspects throughout the university that needed to be changed and could hopefully bring fulfillment to the student body in doing so. Too many students sit back and let their concerns build up inside them; I want to be their voice and make sure the correct execution and change gets done. As an off-campus senator I will stick to my goal of ensuring the student body is heard in an effective manner.”
Braedan Beck-O’Sullivan- “My name is Braedan Beck-O’Sullivan, I am a sophomore studying political science and history, and I am running for the UW-Eau Claire Student Senate as an off-campus representative for the 2013-2014 academic year. Over the past four years, I have developed an incredible passion for political activism and involvement. Recently, I have felt that the Student Senate has done little to engender similar feelings throughout the student body as Senate proceedings are rarely heard about outside of political circles. As a student senator, I want to change this by increasing student awareness and involvement both on and off campus along with representing them within the Senate itself.”
Everett Brown- “Everett Brown has the knowledge and experience necessary to serve as an off-campus Student Senator. A world politics major, Everett has both a love and vast knowledge of politics and the workings of government, an invaluable trait needed to serve the student body. Serving as the Chairman of the UW-Eau Claire College Republicans, holding a leadership position in the bi-partisan Society of Politics, and currently serving on Student Senate and the Organizations Commission, he has proven himself to be a fierce leader and will continue to be if elected.”
Briana Burke- “My name is Brianna Burke, and I am a senior chemistry major. I have been involved with Student Senate for the past four years and am running for an on-campus senate position for my fifth and final year at UW-Eau Claire, and I believe that the only way to accurately represent the interests of the UWEC student body is to ask their opinions. I am dedicated to this student body, and I will always fight to do what is right for the students, whether it’s the popular vote or not. If you have any questions, please let me know.”
Cora Fox- “Hello my name is Cora Fox and I am a junior, off campus senator, majoring in Behavior Analysis. As a transfer student, I know the difficulties nontraditional and transfer students have in the process of becoming connected to their school, which is why my focus is to advocate on important student issues in their behalf. I also am extremely driven to produce a more sustainable lifestyle here on campus by promoting a more earth friendly use of student funds for green initiatives. I am dedicated to serving the needs of students, and I hope to do the same next year.”
Jake Fritsche- “My name is Jake Fritsche, and I was born and raised in Hudson Wisconsin. I am currently a Junior here at UWEC, and my major is Material Science. I am running for an off campus seat on student senate. The reason I am running is because I would like to be more involved on campus. I want to represent you and have a say on what goes on around here, and I want to make sure that all of our money is going towards worthy endeavors.”
Jimmy Haggerty- “Jimmy Haggerty is a Senior Political Science major running for an Off-Campus spot on the Student Senate. In addition to serving previously as a Student Senator, he has served on Student Services, Internal Affairs, Intergovernmental Affairs, and Organizations Commissions. He is running to bring transparency and student input back to the Student Senate. He promises to hold weekly online Town Hall meetings available to all students and will work on Student Services, IGA and Sustainability if elected to Student Senate. Jimmy has the dedication and experience needed to represent the students at UWEC and hopes for your vote next week.”
Morgan Hanley- “My name is Morgan Hanley; I am junior Social Work major, originally from Melrose, Wisconsin, a small town where everyone knows each other’s names and personal business. I am running for an off-campus senator position because we have reached a point where we need to re-learn an essential skill taught in kindergarten: how to play together in the sand box. We are becoming discriminative and judgmental toward those who differ from ourselves. We have become negative and have kicked sand in the faces of other Blugolds in our sandbox. If elected to student senate, I will strive to emphasize inclusivity, outreach, accessibility and cohesion for all Blugolds. I will listen to the voices that have been previously silenced. I will encourage students to embrace their opportunity to make a difference.”
Erik Hinch- “My name is Erik Hinch. I’m a freshman from De Pere, WI. I’m considering majoring in Political Science or Social Work. I’m running for Student Senate because I, along with many others, feel that the current Senate has not done an adequate job being transparent and accessible to students. This has driven me to make a change. I believe the ideas of accessibility, transparency, cohesion, open debate and outreach are necessary for any governing body. I’m honest, dedicated worker, and I will work towards creating a more accessible student government for all students at UWEC.”
Anthony Ipekci- “Hello, my name is Anthony Ipekci and I am running for an off campus senate position this upcoming election. I am very excited for the opportunity to serve this campus and this community in the role of senator. I would like to get very involved with several different committees and make a lasting impact on this senate. Thank you very much for your consideration and I hope to get your support next week during elections!”
Ben T. Isaac- “Hello, I am Benjamin Thompson Isaac, a current freshman at UW-Eau Claire! This academic year has taught me much about the quality students that make up our community, and now I want to do my part and contribute to our student government. If elected as an on-campus senator for 2013-14, I would have the opportunity to promote and enhance this school’s passion for achievement. I vow to work to keep the values of UWEC active in our student body, and maintain the vision of consistent excellence that has defined our university for almost a century.”
Stephen Kahlow- “I am a Junior, Political Science and Economics Major. I am currently running for my third term as an On-Campus Senator. During the 57th session, I am striving to improve accountability within Senate, and maintain professional collaboration with all University administrations, particularly Housing and Residence Life. In addition, I am committed to promoting personal outreach and greater accessibility for Student Senate to the greater student body. I have served on the Student Office of Sustainability, Public Relations, Intergovernmental Affairs, Organizations Commissions, and my general experience on the body will prove invaluable in the coming year.”
Kayla Kallas- “Hey guys! My name is Kayla Kallas. I am a freshman this year at UWEC. I am a Biochemistry major. I am running to be an off-campus senator for the school year 2013-2014. I am super excited to have the chance to run to be elected as a senator to represent this university. Inclusivity and outreach to my fellow students is very important to me as well as keeping tuition low and affordable. I believe that Eau Claire is an amazing university and I would love the chance to make it the best it can be. Thanks!”
Robb Larson- “I am a freshman psychology major running for an on-campus seat. I want to serve on the Student Senate in order to represent social justice issues, and promote awareness and participation regarding debate and decisions. I am a member of the Social Justice Living Learning Community in Sutherland, a University Honors student, and dedicated to the pursuit of excellence at UW-Eau Claire. If you elect me as your senator, I promise to ensure thorough research and consultation, transparent, accessible, reasoned debate, and decisive action on pertinent student issues. Excellence will be the bare minimum.”
Libby Richter- “I am running for reelection to student senate because I want to see a change in student senate. I was proud to be one of the few women, and one of the few non-political science majors on senate. I am a social work major engaged in social issues. As a former Bridgman resident, I am very aware of and connected to student life. I promise that when I am elected I will continue to pay attention to your interests first even if it means that I am the only one on the other side of the issue. Vote for change.”
Paul Savides- “Hello! My name is Paul Savides, I am the current President of the College Democrats at Eau Claire and the Second Vice Chair of the College Democrats of Wisconsin. In this last year I’ve seen a very closed Senate unwilling or unable to communicate effectively with the General Student Body on many contentious issues and the goings on in Senate generally. I believe with my experience as someone who has devoted their time entirely to Student outreach I am in a very capable position to improve this communication with the Student body. Twitter: @paulsavides Facebook:”
Paul Soulier- “My name is Paul Soulier, and I am a sophomore studying Environmental & Public Health and American Indian Studies. I have leadership experience with many organizations on campus; I am the Vice-President of the Native American Student Association, the Treasurer for the UWEC College Democrats, and Public Relations Officer for Murray Community Association (Hall Council). I am running for UWEC Student Senate because I believe that the current Senate can improve on a few things; transparency, out-reach, accessibility, open debate, and cohesion. I know Student Senate can do better, and I will be there to do that.
Clinton Stroeing- “My name is Clinton Stroeing and I am running for an off campus senate position. I have had the privilege to serve on Student Senate for the last half of the current session, and would love the opportunity to serve again. Organizations are a significant part on any campus, but especially significant here at UW-Eau Claire. Next year, I plan to work with the organizations commission to assist new organizations on campus. Secondly, I will work to improve technology on campus so that everyone can fully utilize the vast technological resources UWEC offers.”
Samuel Tabbert- “My name is Samuel Tabbert, I am a Nursing major here at UWEC, and I am a Sophomore. I am running for Student Senate because I want to make a difference in the lives of students here in Eau Claire. I will make educated decisions and take positive actions to better student life, and give them the rights and environment that they deserve. I believe that this university needs individuals with experience and a real passion to fight for student rights, especially in it’s governing body. I have the experience required, and I have a drive to see my fellow students succeed.”
Jonathan Wieser- “My name is Jonathan Wieser. I am a freshman Business Management major running for an on-campus senator position. I’m running for Student Senate because I love this school, and I want to see it operate at its full potential while keeping our tuition down. I feel like the best way to have my voice be heard is by stepping up and taking on the responsibility of representing my fellow students. If elected, I would love to see the Wi-Fi around campus improve and I would like to reexamine the mean plan options. I believe I could make a true difference as a Student Senator.”
Jacob Wrasse- “My first year as a student senator allowed me to become actively involved on this campus and use my work ethic to represent students. I have attended meetings with chancellor candidates and visiting UW-System regents, and always promote the best interests of the UW-Eau Claire student body. Currently, I’m working to increase the ways that students can utilize the new Davies Center. If re-elected, I will continue working tirelessly for the students I represent to make their college experience the best it can be.”
Joshua Zmarzly- “My name is Joshua Zmarzly, and I’m a “first-year” senior, studying German and History. I want to run for Student Senate because I believe I can use my background in student organization leadership (I’m currently the president of Campus PRIDE and German Club) to affect positive change on campus, as well as represent the voices and opinions of my fellow students. I believe in a transparent Student Senate that actively reaches out to the student body, as well as a Student Senate that truly represents the will of students. “Support me so I can support you.”