Police Blotter

Arrested driving under the influence

More stories from Sadie Sedlmayr


Under the influence

University Police received a call at 11:09 p.m. on Feb. 10 of an erratic driver in Towers Hall parking lot. The driver was observed to be slurring his words with a strong odor of intoxicants coming from him while the officer spoke with him, according to the report.

When asked where he was coming from, the subject first said he was selling beer. When asked again, however, he said he was coming from a bar. The male was then asked where he was, to which he said he was in “downtown.”

The officer saw the driver was exiting his vehicle, where he was then asked to get back into it. When told to do so the subject said he did not know where his keys were and blamed the officer for taking them. The officer explained to the subject his keys were not taken and the subject returned to his vehicle, according to the report.

He was then taken to the facilities building for standard field sobriety tests and a preliminary breath test revealing a .22. When they arrived, the subject stumbled a few times and almost fell, he didn’t cooperate with the first sobriety test and failed the last two.

The subject was placed under arrest and submitted to an evidentiary chemical test for his blood, but he declined to take it without a lawyer present, he said. According to the report, three citations were issued.

The subject admitted he should not have been driving and was glad no one was injured, according to the report.

Drug supplies

Two University Police officers were dispatched at 8:12 p.m. on Feb. 9 to Towers Hall to meet with a resident assistant. While on rounds she said she detected the smell of marijuana coming from a certain room. When officers checked, the odor was detected, and officers knocked on their door, according to the report.

A male subject answered the door and was told his room smelled like the strong odor. There were two other male subjects in the room who appeared to have bloodshot and glassy eyes. One said he just entered the room and was not involved in any of this activity, then was allowed to leave the room after it was verified he didn’t have any association.

The two remaining subjects were asked if they smoked in the room and one said he smoked outside. The other one admitted to smoking in the room that night. They were both asked if they had any marijuana or paraphernalia. One male said it was in his jacket and pulled out a multicolored glass pipe, according to the report.

A glass jar on the shelf was handed over, along with glass bongs, THC resin and other containers of THC oil.

After granted permission to search the room, more paraphernalia were found and confiscated. While searching the drawer of a desk, an unlabeled prescription bottle was found containing orange and blue capsules of Adderall inside, according to the report.

When asked about the TCH resin and oil, the two males said they purchased them from someone and weren’t manufacturing them. According to the report, neither subject was taken to jail due to their cooperation.