Police Blotter

Two underage drinking cases

More stories from Sadie Sedlmayr


Lost and found

A University Police officer was conducting a foot patrol at 10:14 p.m. on April 15 near Centennial Hall when he saw a male sleeping against the south side of the building. A strong odor of intoxicants was coming from the subject, according to the report.

The officer attempted to wake the subject, but he didn’t wake until after several attempts. The subject had red and glassy eyes, according to the report.

When the officer asked the subject if he knew where he was, the subject thought he was near Haas Fine Arts Center. The officer told him he was at Centennial Hall and the subject said he was going home to Towers North. His words were slurred when speaking, according to the report.

A preliminary breath test was taken with a result of .20. The suspect then removed two cans of Busch Light out of his backpack.

A citation was issued for underage alcohol consumption and a fine was given.


Tossing evidence

University Police found a group of four individuals drinking from an open bottle of alcohol around midnight on April 16 along Garfield Avenue near the Putnam parking lot. One of the subjects threw the bottle over the railing towards the Chippewa River, according to the report.

When the officer spoke with the group they initially denied that an alcohol bottle existed. When the officer told them he saw it a subject admitted she had tossed the bottle and described it as being a ‘flask’ of Fireball whisky, according to the report.

The officer smelled intoxicants coming from the group and asked each individual about their recent alcohol consumption. The subject who admitted to throwing the bottle said she had approximately three to four drinks of Fireball whisky since 10 p.m.

Three other subjects admitted to consuming alcohol, according to the report.

The four individuals each submitted a preliminary breath test and received an underage alcohol consumption citation.