Police Blotter
Campus police deal with drug case and underage drinking violation
More stories from Stephanie Smith
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An overflow room overfilled with drug paraphernalia
At approximately 9:38 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19 campus police cited five students for the use and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia in a Towers Hall overflow dorm.
A resident assistant on duty called campus police after detecting the odor of marijuana coming from an overflow room located on her floor.
Two campus officers met with the resident assistant in the hall director’s office to discuss the matter.
The resident assistant told campus police she detected the odor from the room about five minutes prior to the officer’s arrival and believed there were still people in the room.
According to the report, the men living in the room in question had contact with housing employees for rule violations in the past.
Campus police headed to the room and immediately detected the odor of marijuana upon exiting the elevator.
After knocking on the door, one of the male residents of the room gave consent for officers to enter the dorm.
According to the report, the officers could smell the odor of marijuana in the main portion of the dorm and saw four additional males sitting in the room. Four of the five men in the room were residents of Towers Hall, while the fifth was a friend visiting.
Campus police told the male subjects they were investigating the odor of marijuana and were looking for cooperation, requesting the subjects to turn over any illegal items.
One of the subjects opened the second drawer of his desk and removed a large glass bong.
An officer individually asked everyone in the room if they had recently smoked marijuana and three of the five males said they had. The subjects told campus police they had smoked marijuana from a bong while on the lower portion of the foot trail by Simpson Field.
The students told police they had smoked all of the illegal substance on the trail and did not have any in the dorm.
After gaining consent from the subjects, campus police began to search the room.
According to the report, the officers were told two other males lived in the room but were not present, so their areas of the room were not searched.
While searching the room, the officers located multiple items of illegal interest, including a marijuana brownie.
A large glass pipe approximately 14 inches long with burn residue in the bowl, a vaporizer, two grinders, eight packages of rolling papers and a glass mason jar with two bags of green plant material were just a few of the 14 total items found of illegal interest involving marijuana.
Also during the search, numerous alcoholic beverages were found, such as 23 full cans of Hamm’s beer, a half-empty bottle of Three Olives vodka, a bottle of Ron Diaz spiced black cherry rum, a bottle of Barefoot white zinfandel wine, a bottle of Fleischmann’s vodka, two full bottles of New Belgium Citradelic beer and a full bottle of Not Your Father’s Root Beer.
All the students in the room were under the age of 21.
The alcohol was confiscated and later disposed of at a custodial closet in Crest Wellness Center, according to the report.
After checking the subject’s records the officers did not find any previous drug investigation contacts with the residents.
Two students who took ownership of most of the drug paraphernalia were issued an Eau Claire County Law Enforcement Proxy form for use and possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.
The Eau Claire County Diversion program was explained to all the students present in the room to which they agreed.
Everyday should be Earth Day
Campus police issued a student a first offense underage drinking citation at approximately 10:31 p.m. on Saturday in the Human Sciences and Services parking lot.
According to the report, the officer was walking on the south sidewalk of the parking lot and observed a group of female subjects and one male subject walking toward him.
The officer observed the male subject take a drink from a can and then throw the can on the ground behind him.
The officer approached the subject and advised him to pick up the can he threw on the ground and walk it to the nearby garbage can to dispose of it.
After speaking with the subject, the officer could smell the odor of intoxicating beverages coming from his breath.
The subject was then asked to remove any other alcohol from his backpack. He emptied several water bottles on the ground and poured out a full bag of wine.
The subject submitted to a preliminary breath test and obtained a 0.08 result.
There were no wants or warrants out for the subject and he did not have any prior alcohol violations.
The officer then issued the subject the citation with a bond amount of $263.50 along with an Eau Claire County Alcohol Offenders brochure.