Police Blotter
Underage drinking at the Jesse McCartney concert and possession and use of marijuana in a dorm room are part of blotter this week
More stories from Stephanie Smith
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Having too much fun with Jesse McCartney
UW-Eau Claire Police cited a student for underage drinking at 9:03 p.m. on Saturday in Zorn Arena.
An officer was working at the Jesse McCartney concert in Zorn Arena Saturday night when he was notified by some ushers a male subject was found passed out in the bleachers area.
According to the report, the ushers escorted him out of the concert, and the officer found him near the men’s bathroom in the hallway.
The officer had the male subject sit on the floor because he was having difficulty standing.
It appeared the male subject had too much alcohol to drink and was heavily intoxicated. The subject told the officer he had consumed nine or 10 beers before the concert and had started drinking around 5 p.m.
The subject also told the officer he normally drinks this much, so he didn’t feel he was going to vomit or become sick. According to the report, his speech was heavily slurred and his eyes were both bloodshot and glossy in appearance.
After agreeing to submit to a preliminary breath test, the subject produced a .26 result.
According to the report, the officer asked the male subject a series of questions such as: Where are you? Who is the president? What is your parents’ address? and what is your phone number?
The subject was able to answer all of the officer’s questions without difficulty.
The subject called his friend who was also at the concert to help him. The friend agreed to keep an eye on him overnight.
After being asked to stand, the subject was able to walk on his own. The subject, his friend and the officer walked outside to where another campus officer was waiting in a squad car.
The officer waiting outside had already completed and issued a Wisconsin non-traffic citation to the subject for underage drinking – first offense. The friend was told to inform the subject of what happened in the morning when he was sober.
The subject and his friend got into the squad car and were given a ride back to his dorm room.
The student who didn’t think she would get caught
A student chose to enter the Eau Claire County Diversion Program for possession and use of marijuana after campus police caught her using marijuana in her dorm at 5:47 p.m. Thursday, May 4 in a Towers North dorm room.
A resident assistant contacted campus police reporting she could smell a strong odor of marijuana coming from one of the dorm rooms.
After the officer arrived on scene, he detected the odor in the hallway near the room and the door frame. The resident assistant told the officer she smelled marijuana coming from the same room in the past and the resident who resides in the room lives alone.
According to the report, the officer could hear music playing in the room. He knocked on the door upon which a female subject answered. After getting consent to do so, the officer entered the room.
The officer asked the female subject if she was smoking in the room and if there was marijuana. The female subject admitted she was smoking in her room and walked over to a stand next to her bed and grabbed a red metal grinder and handed it to the officer.
She said the grinder she handed over was all she had.
The officer asked the subject if she had a pipe and she said she did not because she smoked a joint. The officer said he did not believe the subject when she told him she didn’t have any other paraphernalia.
The subject then retrieved a glass pipe from her bed next to the window and handed it to the officer. He asked again if there was any more items in the room. The subject then handed the officer a box with a vape cartridge of THC oil.
After asking for consent to search the room, the officer asked the subject if he was going to find anything else. Before he began his search, the subject opened the top drawer of the stand by her bed and handed the officer two bags of marijuana, several pipes, rolling paper supplies and several marijuana storage containers.
The officer also located a vape pen on the window frame, a marijuana chocolate bar wrapped in foil in a drawer and a bag of THC gummies in the refrigerator.
The officer took possession of all the items, completed a proxy form for the subject and read the Eau Claire County Diversion Agreement form to her. The subject signed the form and agreed to complete the Diversion Program.