Student Senate proposes amendment to Chapter X in Student Senate Bylaws

More stories from Rachyl Houterman

Photo by Kar Wei Cheng

Student Senate chose three senators to serve alongside Student Body Vice President Nick Webber on the Vacancy Committee, which will choose three new on-campus senators and one off-campus senator for the year.

The 61st Session of Student Senate resumed business Monday evening with the introduction of a bill to amend a chapter in the Student Senate Bylaws.  

The bill pertains to Chapter X in the bylaws, which outlines the responsibilities of the student senators. The proposed amendment would eliminate the requirement of senators having to perform a service hour on top of an outreach hour and office hour each week, according to Chief of Staff Branden Yates.

Yates called the service hour requirement a “copy-and-paste error” from the old bylaws into the new bylaws.

“This bill in front us is essentially just getting rid of a part in the bylaws that would require all senators to do a service hour on top of their outreach hour and office hour,” Yates said. “So the service hour is the same thing as an outreach hour, and I just decided that instead of not enforcing it and creating discrepancies in the future I would just get rid of it now and get on top of that, so that’s all that is.”

Student Body President Katy McGarry said the bill will be voted on next week.

Senate also chose three senators to serve alongside Student Body Vice President Nick Webber on the Vacancy Committee, which will be used to select three new on-campus senators and one off-campus senator.

Those serving on the committee are On-Campus Senator Paige Panzenhagen and Off-Campus Senators Derek Lindquist and Bobbi Freagon.

Three students who won on-campus seats in the spring are now considered off-campus senators after Senate said Aspenson Mogensen Hall, where the three senators live, is considered off-campus housing.

Former Senators Kessa Albright and Robert Nguyen resigned from their positions.

Students who are interested in applying for these positions can do so on BluSync.