Police Blotter
Campus police handles cases of students having sexual intercourse in a car and underage drinking
More stories from Stephanie Smith
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Sexual Intercourse in parking lot
Around 2:44 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 11, a campus police officer was performing active patrol through the nursing parking lot where she observed a lone white sedan parked with its windows fogged.
According to the report, the officer observed the other vehicles in the lot did not have fogged windows. The female officer illuminated the car with her lights, then saw movement within the vehicle.
As the officer approached the car, she saw a male and a female subject in the back seat both naked, with the male on top of the female.
The officer knocked on the window and announced her presence. She advised the subjects to make themselves decent and to step outside the car.
According to the report, as the subjects exited the vehicle, both stumbling to put their pants back on, they seemed very embarrassed.
The female subject was a UW-Eau Claire student and the male subject was a Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) student.
Both subjects said they were engaged in sexual intercourse when the officer interrupted them. The female subject said they could not use her room due to her roommate and the male’s roommate didn’t allow visitors in the house.
They both apologized, and the female subject said she didn’t know it was frowned upon to have sexual intercourse in the back of cars in lit parking lots.
The officer explained to her that other students, faculty, community members or families could walk by and witness their activities.
Both the subjects said they were consenting adults to the activity.
The officer called in another officer to assist so they could talk to each subject separately.
The first officer spoke with the female subject while the second officer spoke with the male subject.
The female subject said she had known the male for about two weeks and they met on the social app Tinder. She said the male subject had told her he was a CVTC student but didn’t speak English very well. She again told to the officer they were both consenting adults.
The officers and the subjects then came together to speak in a group about the activity. The subjects apologized again and were then free to leave.
Needing a sober designated driver
At around 3:26 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 14, a campus police officer issued an underage drinking citation to a male student.
The officer observed three males walking near the nursing parking lot. Two of the males were carrying and holding up the third male in between them.
According to the report, the officer drove up to Putnam Hall and turned his squad car around, whereupon he saw the third male hunched over the tree line, vomiting.
The officer stepped outside his squad car, and the three males started to walk away from him. The officer asked them to stop because he was concerned for the vomiting male and wanted to make sure he would be safe.
After having the male sit on the curb so he would not fall, the officer detected a strong odor of intoxicants coming from his person. His words were slurred and he had trouble maintaining his balance.
Initially, the three males said they were from UW-Stout, later admitting they were visiting from out of town but the vomiting male was a UW-Eau Claire student.
The drunk male was able to answer basic questions including his name and address. According to the report, the subject said he had started drinking beer around 11 p.m. and stopped around 3 a.m. He was unsure of how much he had to drink. He consumed the alcohol at an off-campus house party.
The officer was unable to administer a preliminary breath test due to the subject vomiting.
The officer told the drunk male he would be issuing him a citation for Underage Consumption of Alcohol – first offense and if he had any questions he could call him later that weekend.
Initially, the other male subject agreed to take the overly intoxicated male to his room and stay with him to make sure he would start to sober up, but then told the officer he needed to go back to his designated driver and left the scene.
The other male subject who remained said he would take the drunk male to his room and would call 911 if he seemed worse or if he was unable to wake up.
As the officer started to clear the scene, he realized the male who left the area showed a suspended Wisconsin driver’s license.
The officer began to drive away from the area, and as he drove into the Phillips lot, he observed a dark grey colored Ford Fusion running with at least one person inside.
Concerned the male subject with the suspended license was in the vehicle and was intending to drive, the officer shined his spotlight on the car and approached the driver-side window.
He saw the male subject was in the back seat with three other people in the car, including a male in the driver’s seat.
The driver told the officer they were all trying to help the overly intoxicated male back to his room. The officer asked the driver if he had been drinking alcohol this evening. At first he said no but then admitted to drinking beer earlier in the night.
He asked the officer if he could call his mother to come pick him up. The driver was able to contact her, and she agreed to drive and transport the whole group home.