Police Blotter
Campus police handles cases of underage drinking and the use of marijuana
More stories from Stephanie Smith
Photo by Submitted
How did I get here?
At 1:07 a.m. on Dec. 3, an on-campus police officer was contacted by a Horan Hall front desk employee regarding to an intoxicated male subject who attempted to gain access to the residence hall through the main entrance.
The complainant told the officer the male subject did not know anyone who lived in Horan Hall and appeared lost. She also said the subject had lost a shoe and was last seen outside the main entrance.
Two officers arrived at the scene, where they located a male subject passed out on the concrete steam vent near the entrance to Horan Hall.
When one of the officers approached the subject, he could immediately detect a strong odor of intoxicating beverages coming from his person.
After the officer shined a light on the subject, the highly intoxicated male slowly sat up. According to the report, his eyes were red and glossy in appearance.
The subject knew he was on the UW-Eau Claire campus, but he could not explain how he got there.
After being asked how much alcohol he drank that night, the subject admitted to consuming vodka but was unsure of how much. He told the officer he had been drinking with several friends at a house party on Niagara Street.
The subject agreed to a preliminary breath test, but the officer was unable to obtain a reading because the subject sucked air from the tube instead of blowing out.
The communication center informed the officer this was the subject’s second underage alcohol consumption-related offense within one year.
According to the report, the officer then issued a citation to the subject for underage alcohol consumption (second offence) for a fine amount of $389.50.
The second officer at the scene used the subject’s cell phone to contact the subject’s friend — whom he was supposed to be staying with — to come pick the subject up from Horan Hall.
About five minutes later, the friend arrived at the main entranced to Horan Hall and told the officers he would watch over the subject for the remainder of the night and would contact 911 if his condition were to worsen.
Underage drinking and marijuana possession
At 10:30 p.m. on Dec. 1, two campus officers reported to Chancellors Hall in regards to underage alcohol consumption and loud music coming from a room on the third floor.
A resident assistant of Chancellors Hall told the officers she had been conducting 8 p.m. rounds in the residence hall when she came across the “very loud” apartment room.
According to the report, she told the officers she had made contact with the residents, and while she was speaking to them, she observed two bottles of alcohol sitting on a counter in the kitchen.
She told the officers that after checking the residents IDs and finding they were underage, she had them dump the observed alcohol down the sink and then completed an incident report.
Later that night the resident assistant was conducting 10 p.m. rounds when she again heard loud music playing from the same room. She believed there were about 15 people inside.
After speaking with the resident assistant, the two officers went to the room to make contact with the residents inside.
While standing outside the room, the officers heard several loud noises coming from within and proceeded to knock on the door.
A female resident answered the door, and her two female roommates then joined her.
After obtaining consent to enter the room, the officers detected a strong odor of intoxicants coming from an observed a male subject sitting on a couch in the living room.
The male subject told the officers he had not been drinking alcohol and was simply visiting the residents of the room. His claim was substantiated when he obtained a .00 on the preliminary breath test the officers conducted.
All the other people in the room had since cleared, according to one of the female subjects.
The female residents of the room consented to preliminary breath tests. The first obtained a .01. The second female obtained a result of .00 on a good breath sample. The third female obtained a result of .05.
The second officer made contact with one of the females in regard to the odor of marijuana. The female admitted to having marijuana and drug paraphernalia in her room. She said she had been smoking earlier in the evening.
After giving consent for the officer to enter the female subject’s room, the officer observed the subject remove a white iPhone case from her backpack as well as a grinder and a glass bottle containing marijuana. Inside the phone case were two glass pipes, two glass containers filled with cannabis and two one-hitters wrapped in cheery paper.
The subject told the officer these items were the only illegal substances in the apartment, which the officer later confirmed after the searching the room.
The other subjects admitted to having illegal substances in their rooms. After getting consent to enter the other subjects’ room, the officer observed one of the females remove a grinder, a glass pipe and a glass bottle of marijuana from her backpack. The third female then retrieved a glass pipe and a glass one-hitter pipe painted like a cigarette.The officer explained the diversion program, and all subjects agreed they would select this option.
The first officer handling the alcohol case found the subjects did not have any prior citations for underage drinking.
The officer asked the subjects if they had any more alcohol left in the room. They responded affirmatively and showed the officers four mason jars filled with a purple liquid. One of the subjects told the officer the liquid was gin mixed with blackberries.
According to the report, the officer also observed one half-empty bottle of red wine and two 12-ounce cans of beer.
After being asked to do so, one of the female subjects emptied out the remaining alcohol.
The officer completed the alcohol-related ordinance citations to all three females for underage alcohol consumption for a fine amount of $263.50.
Jay furman • Dec 30, 2017 at 10:57 pm
Respect yourself and feed your mind with poetry, history and stats
former resident of Horan Hall.