Student Senate passes resolution in opposition to proposed Title IX changes

Senate also passed two other resolutions and five bills

More stories from Rachyl Houterman

Photo by Kar Wei Cheng

Student Senate passed three resolutions and five bills on Monday.

Student Senate on Monday passed a resolution in opposition to proposed Title IX changes and one in support of Assembly Bill 34.


Proposed Title IX changes

Title IX is a law that prohibits education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance to discriminate on the basis of sex.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos introduced the proposed changes in early November. If approved, the changes would would decrease an institution’s liability for sexual assault or sexual misconduct investigations.

Under the proposed changes, schools would be allowed to choose between a preponderance standard or a clear-and-convincing standard when investigating sexual assault or misconduct cases.

“I think it’s important to stand in opposition to them because I think they largely do not hold the position of Title IX,” Chief of Staff Hillary Smith said. “I think they are counterproductive.”

The resolution passed in a voice vote.


Required education of Hmong history

Senate also passed a resolution in support of Assembly Bill 34, which would require schools in Wisconsin to provide education of Hmong people history.

The bill was introduced to the State Senate and Assembly in 2017, but was voted down. The bill will be reintroduced in 2019.

According to the resolution, over 30,000 Hmong students attend UW System schools. At UW-Eau Claire, there are over 250 Hmong students.

Senator Kayde Langer spoke in support of the resolution, noting that it is currently required that students in elementary school and high school learn about Native American history.

“Teaching about minorities in history should not be an option,” Langer said. It should be a requirement since you live in a very diverse nation, and history shouldn’t continue to be whitewashed. Everyone should have the right narrative in history, and without supporting things like this, it’s going to stay the same.

The resolution passed in a voice vote.


Other news:

  • Senate passed a resolution in recognition of the Women’s Volleyball team’s 2018-19 season.
  • Senate approved the 2018-2019 Organized Activities Budget. Student segregated fees will increase by $2.
  • Senate approved the creation of an Athletic and Recreation Master Plan.
  • Senate passed a bill amending the Student Organization Constitution Requirements/Guidelines.
  • Senate passed a bill to place eight new recycling containers in McPhee Strength and Performance Center.
  • Senate passed a bill to place three bike shelters on campus.


More information on these bills can be found in last week’s senate article.

Houterman can be reached at [email protected].