Student Senate passes resolution in support of free gym memberships for student athletes

There are 691 student athletes at UW-Eau Claire

More stories from Rachyl Houterman

Photo by Sam Farley

Student Body President Branden Yates counts the votes for the proposed allocation to the Student Organization of Latinos and Latinas, which was also passed on Monday by Student Senate.

Student Senate on Monday passed a resolution in support of giving all student athletes a free annual gym membership to McPhee Strength and Performance Center.

Currently, membership fees are not subsidized by the university, and because UW-Eau Claire is an NCAA Division III school, it is not allowed to give out athletic scholarships.

“On a Division III level, a lot of schools we are competing with to get in athletics or get in students offer free membership,” Senator Wilyam Wright said. “They have a lot of boosters or fundraising to give them additional clothing.”

There are 691 student athletes at UW-Eau Claire, according to the resolution. An annual membership to McPhee costs $106.

Other news:

  • A resolution in support of adopting a new Student Senate logo failed 11-14-2.
  • A resolution in support of incoming students on Senate was postponed indefinitely.
  • Senate passed a special allocation to the Student Organization of Latinos and Latinas.
  • A bill to allocate funds for new lighting in the art department in Haas Fine Arts Center was tabled for one week.
  • Senate introduced a bill to allocate funds to obtain Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification for the visitor center.
  • Senate introduced a bill to make sustainable improvements to the Ade Olson addition of McPhee Center.
  • Senate introduced a bill to fund LED lighting in Oak Ridge Hall.

Houterman can be reached at [email protected].