Old News
A look back at The Spectator’s past
Photo by Savannah Reeves
(Editor’s note: Old News is a biweekly column featuring articles in The Spectator from the past. These are brief summaries of past articles.)
This week …
Twenty years ago – May 13, 1999 Issue
‘Best police blotters of semester’
An officer working at Viennese Ball received a report from a student usher that there was an individual wearing tan shorts and a mask trying to gain access to the ball.
He also reported the subject apparently had been drinking.
The subject also was seen in the freight elevator without any clothes on and holding the elevator door so it wouldn’t leave the floor. When the officer arrived, the male had his clothes on, but his T-shirt was on backwards. There was a devil mask lying on the floor.
The officer advised him he was being arrested and escorted him to another room in Davies Center.
The male said he was dared by some friends to streak through the ball, but the usher detected his presence before he could do it.
Forty years ago – May 10, 1979 Issue
‘Energetic idea’
From the 1979 Opinion section.
David Hansen, instructor of journalism and a photography teacher in that department, recently held a contest among his laboratory assistants. He offered a free color portrait to the one who came up with the best idea for saving energy in the photography lab.
Because there were three good ideas submitted, there were three winners. But more important, eight feasible ideas for saving energy were submitted and will be implemented by Hansen.
There is no reason why this idea could not be expanded to include all areas of Hibbard Hall, and eventually the entire university. A similar contest is now being conducted in the residence halls.
A concerned group of students and/or faculty could coordinate the effort, contriving slogans, graphics, prizes and informational bulletins on energy use. Conservation efforts will be effective only after such a consciousness-raising campaign allows all to see the omnipresent waste.
Sixty years ago – May 14, 1959 Issue
‘Alumni magazine now in production’
The “Alumni Magazine,” which is published twice a year, is now in production and is to be circulated in May.
This magazine is edited by Iva Kessler, the secretary of Professor Emans, director of teacher education and placement at the college.
Financed by the Alumni Association, the “Alumni Magazine” has a circulation of 4,500.
The “Alumni Magazine” has been in existence for several years. The coming May issue is Volume 38.
Before the advent of the magazine, the Alumni news was published monthly in The Spectator and was financed by the Alumni Association of Eau Claire State.
Fuerstenberg can be reached at fuerstmm8073@uwec.edu.

Madeline Fuerstenberg is a fourth-year journalism student. This is her eighth semester on The Spectator staff and she’ll miss it with all her heart once she graduates (if she graduates).