Student Senate appoints directors for 63rd Session

Eight director positions have been filled for the upcoming year

More stories from Rachyl Houterman

Photo by Sam Farley

Stephanie Hoeksema, the new director for Equity in Student Matters Commission, was one of eight appointed directors for the 63rd Session at Monday night’s meeting.

Student Senate on Monday appointed commission directors for the 63rd Session.

The nominee for the Chief of Staff, Travis Duchene, was not appointed. Riley Rakowiecki was appointed parliamentarian.

The directors for the 63rd Session are as follows:

  • Communication Commission director, Madison Bau
  • Equity in Student Matters Commission director, Stephanie Hoeksema
  • Finance Commission director, David Miller
  • Intergovernmental Affairs Commission director, Austin Gulbrandson
  • Information Technology Commission director, Joe Murphy
  • Student Organization Commission director, Alex Kurutz
  • Student Office of Sustainability director, Lauren Becker
  • University Activities Commission director, Carter Rush

Houterman can be reached at