Student Senate passes Resolution 63R15 unanimously

Student Senate will continue to recognize Native American Heritage Month

More stories from Taylor Hagmann

Photo by Taylor Hagmann

Charlie Johnson and Anna Ziebell, the president and vice president, respectively, in discussion right after the meeting adjourned.

Ever since George H. W. Bush approved a resolution in 1990, November has been Native American Heritage Month. 

Since then, it has been recognized nationally by representatives and presidents alike. 

On Monday, Student Senate followed national precedent showing support for the event. 

Student Senate voted unanimously on Resolution 63R15, stating that they currently do and will continue to recognize November as Native American Heritage Month.

In other news, Alyssa Pake, the communication commission director, also announced that she has received feedback from senators on their opinions of the three potential new Student Senate logos and is currently working on those adjustments. She hopes to be able to present the designs next week.

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