Chancellor James Schmidt praises departing administrator
Schmidt thanks vice chancellor for enrollment management for moving goals forward, announces transition plans

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May 14, 2020

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Photo by Owyn Peters
Chancellor James Schmidt held a press conference in the Alumni room of the Davies Student Center on Monday, Feb. 24.
Chancellor James Schmidt praised Albert Colom, former vice chancellor for enrollment management, for his time at UW-Eau Claire, chided the press, shared reasons for his departure and announced plans for the transition during a press conference Monday afternoon.
“He’s done an excellent job of bringing it all together, getting people out of the silos and working together — all focused on student outcomes,” Schmidt said of Colom’s time at UW-Eau Claire.
Schmidt also criticized the media for what he called one-sided coverage.
“The conversation that was going to the public, which included one side of the story — I’m not taking a side on that, I’m just saying it was one side — led to this decision,” Schmidt said. “I will tell you that several women within that division came forward to tell a very different story. So, I have access to a lot more data. I’m not going to share it — I won’t go further than what I did — but all of the data needs to be brought together.”
As the story developed, Colom and Schmidt did not return the Spectator’s interview requests. Mike Rindo, assistant chancellor for facilities and university relations, told reporters he couldn’t comment on personnel matters. At no time have current employees under Colom’s direction agreed to an interview with the Spectator or come forward to defend Colom.
UW-Shared Services’ investigation, spurred by Colom’s alleged workplace gender descrimination, will continue. Schmidt said he will determine the next steps when the investigation is complete, but declined to say what those steps might entail.
Faculty, staff and student leaders learned of Colom’s departure Monday morning via email. Colom’s final day in office was Friday, Feb. 21, and he officially stepped down from his position as vice chancellor Monday, Feb. 24.
“I told Chancellor Schmidt it has become increasingly apparent to me that, regardless of the outcome of the current investigation of allegations made against me, I am no longer able to effectively serve UW-Eau Claire in a senior leadership role,” Colom wrote in his resignation statement.
Schmidt said Colom will continue working on a strategic enrollment plan until Sept. 2, when his resignation will take full effect. During that time, he will receive a full salary. However, Colom will not be on campus or supervising any employees.
HR did not respond with information about Colom’s exact salary before publication.
During his time as vice chancellor, Schmidt said Colom did an “excellent job.” According to Schmidt, Colom made “dozens” of significant strides in terms of enrollment management improvement.
Under Colom’s direction, Schmidt said, the “Apply in July” effort was launched, Tenth Day Enrollment numbers for this spring semester are up compared to last year, full-time enrollment numbers were up in the fall, a student call center was established and early indicators for fall enrollment “look fantastic.”
The response
Angela Swenson-Holzinger, former associate director of advising, filed the official complaint against Colom on Feb. 3. She said she is “relieved” to learn about Colom’s resignation because others won’t have to endure the treatment she experienced under his leadership.
“I do still think some tough questions need to be answered about how he was able to be hired with his questionable past at previous institutions and, more importantly, why the Chancellor didn’t act sooner when concerns were brought to his attention as early as the fall of 2018 and again in January of 2019,” Swenson-Holzinger said.
Local media asked Schmidt whether the search firm found any problems during Colom’s application process. Schmidt said the “top notch” search firm, Academic Search, did not reveal any negative information.
During the press conference, reporters also asked why Schmidt didn’t act earlier after meeting with Heather Kretz, the former director of admissions. Schmidt said he can’t comment on past private conversations and added that Kretz did not file a formal complaint.
“She expressed concern about how Albert was leading,” Schmidt said during the press conference, “but in no instance did she claim there was any mistreatment that was based on gender or any other area.”
Schmidt said he was working to improve supervisor training before the complaint was filed with David Miller, director of human resources; John Haven, III, vice chancellor for finance and administration; and Teresa O’Halloran, director of affirmative action and Title IX coordinator.
John Yancey, former vice president for enrollment services at the University of North Florida, worked under Colom for less than a year in 2014 before resigning from his position.
When Yancey heard that Colom resigned from UW-Eau Claire, he said this is “not a time to celebrate.”
Yancey criticized Schmidt for his continuous praise of Colom’s achievements and called him “significantly out of touch” for thanking a man who ended the careers of several professionals.
“There are no winners here,” Yancey said. “The story’s not over yet. There’s still the final chapter to be written.”
Schmidt said he’s working with various campus leaders to determine how Colom’s responsibilities will be divided. He expects a solidified plan by the end of the week.
This is an ongoing story. Updates to come.

Neupert is a fourth-year journalism student at UW-Eau Claire. She is the executive producer of Engage Eau Claire on Blugold Radio Sunday. In her spare time, Neupert's working on becoming a crossword puzzle expert.

Madeline Fuerstenberg is a fourth-year journalism student. This is her eighth semester on The Spectator staff and she’ll miss it with all her heart once she graduates (if she graduates).

Bridget Kelley is a fourth-year journalism student. Bridget enjoys hanging out with babies, coffee and oxford commas. If anyone has any gluten-free food suggestions, Bridget's inbox is open.
Blugold_Alumna • Feb 26, 2020 at 1:45 pm
I am heartened that these young women journalists continue to report the truth!
Make no mistake, Schmidt is responsible for allowing Colom’s abuse to continue. In other words, Schmidt is complicit. Because Schmidt knew about the abuse beginning in 2018 fall, and failed to address it, his lack of response is akin to what happened at Penn State and/or Michigan State. It may be that Schmidt has forgotten that he, like any UW System employee, is a public servant. It is his responsibility to lead with integrity, including being a good steward of student and Wisconsin taxpayer monies. Good stewardship also includes standing against those who bully and harass. Schmidt clearly used poor judgement in failing to address Colom’s abuse. In what other campus situations has Schmidt used poor judgement? The investigation into Colom surely should include Schmidt–what he knew and when he knew it!
How curious that Schmidt blames the media for one-sided reporting when he, Colom, Rindo, and Colom’s direct reports refused to talk to media.
Is it true that the only person that UW Shared Services is questioning is Ms. Holzinger-Swenson? Should the other abused individuals who left UW-Eau Claire call the UW System Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline?
In 2014, under Schmidt’s leadership, UW-Eau Claire re-branded itself. Its former tagline: ‘Excellence. Our motto, our measure, our goal,’ was replaced with “The Power of And.”
May I suggest using UW-Eau Claire’s current motto as follows: “The Power of And.” Colom AND Schmidt resign!
Jon Loomis • Feb 26, 2020 at 8:44 am
More excellent reporting. The reporting has obviously not been “one sided”–the Spectator staff has acted with consummate professionalism throughout the entire process. The Chancellor owes them an apology.
David Kretz • Feb 25, 2020 at 11:02 pm
I would like to see an external investigation into this matter from the state government or UW Board of Regents. Chancellor Schmidt is responsible for allowing this situation to continue after being warned on multiple occasions about the issues. True leaders act! Chancellor Schmidt has completely failed in his duties as a leader and is now choosing to use his bully pulpit to criticize excellent campus reporting and those former UWEC employees that has spoken up. He continues to hide behind terms like “formal complaint” and “personnel matter” while attempting to diminish the issue he allowed to fester on campus for over a year. Chancellor Schmidt should do the one honorable thing and resign along with Mr. Colom. The time has come for true leadership.
Conor • Feb 25, 2020 at 10:38 am
What an incredibly out of his mind response from ole boy Chancellor Jim. The media was “one sided” because you hid behind an assistant for two weeks, and it was “one sided” because of the courage of YOUR former employees saw the courage and bravery of others and decided to speak up and out about the turmoil and disgrace in which Colum acted while at UWEC.
This is such a weak response from Chancellor Jim. I used to have pride when I said I attended UWEC but now, like I’ve heard from alumni and locals, their support for the entire University will tempered or none-existent for them and more importantly for ole boy Jim, pulling monetary donations to the entire UWEC, and only support particular areas where they were a part of. (Music department, Business School, etc.)
Spectator News Journalists – can you continue investigate on the internal UWEC investigation of this entire matter? (I’m sure you are) Who holds the Chancellor in check in times like this? Is there a board that could put in motion a way to get him out of his job if there is further evidence of malpractice, negligence or incompetence?
Holly Voll • Feb 25, 2020 at 8:59 am
Excellent work Clara, Madeline and Bridget! Keep up the investigating! The truth always deserves to be shown.
Longtime UW employee • Feb 25, 2020 at 8:22 am
It is shameful that Colom got 7 months paid leave. What is he going to be doing in these “assignments?” To whom is he accountable? In any other work force, this wouldn’t happen. Where are the sweet-heart deals for Angele or any of the others?
Wil • Feb 25, 2020 at 3:45 am
This article is so professional. And a great counter. Keep it up! Jim is sinking to new lows. Truth is coming to light. He can’t help but attack the media to save face. That’s really sad. Praising Colom is appalling
Concerned Citizen • Feb 25, 2020 at 12:17 am
You guys had a pretty good first article about this situation, even though you guys didn’t know the whole story, you still did a pretty good job. But now at this point, this isn’t real journalism, and it now is coming off as you guys are just finding any way to stir conflict up in this community, by choosing things that Chancellor Schmidt has said and completely misrepresenting what he actually said and meant. I suggest making real journalism and not just to get attention to satisfy your own personal needs. Again I thought you guys did a fantastic and respectful job of the first article about this situation, but now it’s come to non respectable journalism.
Concerned citizen • Feb 24, 2020 at 10:06 pm
I am also concerned with the chancellor characterizing “some people” as resistant to leadership changes re:Albert’s leadership. Yes, that happens and sometimes people leave. You don’t have five people from one office leave for that reason though. A scenario like that signals something very deep, and his comments go to show how deep the dysfunction is.
Second, tell me how objecting to being called “Miss Bossypants” is akin to being resistant to change. I’m waiting.