Police Blotter

Late night prowler case, reported car accident and concerns for a loose bat on campus

Reported prowler in the area

At 5:12 a.m. on Nov. 19, an officer was dispatched to Bollinger Field Lot in regards to a prowler.  

The officer contacted the Eau Claire Police Department to assist. An ECPD officer reached the scene first, followed by the original officer shortly after. Both officers checked the immediate area, but did not see anyone.

The caller said he came outside to find a male subject breaking into his vehicle. He described the subject as a heavy-set male, wearing possibly green pants with a white stripe down the sides. He said he followed the male subject, but lost sight of him. 

However, the caller walked around the area and again observed the same subject, who met up with a second person in the Bollinger Field Lot. The caller followed them, but lost them in the dark. He believed they were still in the area around the Bollinger Fields.  

The caller couldn’t describe the second subject and he was also not able to tell if the subject was a male or female. 

Both officers checked the area expanding out into the neighborhoods, but did not locate anyone matching the description.

A recording of the event was taken and both officers left the scene. 

Vehicle crash

At 1:21 p.m. on Nov. 19, an officer received a call in regards to a car accident occurring in the Bollinger Field Parking Lot. 

The driver said she was pulling into a parking stall and struck a parked vehicle. The officer then told the caller they would come out to the lot as soon as they could.

At 2:05 p.m., the officer met with the driver in the Bollinger Field Parking Lot. 

A red, 1999 Chevy Blazer was parked in the northeast corner of the lot. The driver said as she pulled into this parking stall the right front bumper of her vehicle struck a parked vehicle.  

The officer found no major damage to the parked vehicle, which was a black 2012 Toyota Corolla, besides a dent in its left rear corner.

He said the damages appeared to be under $1000. Pictures were taken of the bumpers of both vehicles. 

The officer looked up insurance for both cars, as well as the contact information for the owner of the black Toyota. A message was left to the owner in regards to the incident. 

At 3:45 p.m., officers received a call from the owner of the Toyota. The information of the event was relayed to the caller and they were informed the report would be ready soon.  

The lonely bicycle

At 12:02 a.m. on Nov. 20, an officer was on vehicle patrol on Putnam Drive where he located an unsecured bicycle on the side of the roadway, about halfway on Putnam Drive. 

The bicycle had condensation on it and appeared to have been there for a while. There wasn’t anyone around. Due to it being unsecured, the officer took the bicycle and placed it into bicycle storage.

The serial number was not listed as stolen and there was no history in Spillman, a police department database. It is unknown who the owner is at this time.

Report of a bat in Phillips Science Hall

At 6:20 p.m. on Nov. 21, two officers were dispatched by the communication center to Phillips Science Hall for a report of a bat in the building.

Upon arriving on scene, the officer contacted the caller via phone to identify where he and the bat were located. They said the bat was last seen flying around the first floor of Phillips Science Hall.

The officers walked the first floor of Phillips Science Hall to try and locate the bat. They were unable to locate the bat at that time.

After walking the first floor of Phillips Science Hall, the officers made in-person contact with the caller outside of Phillips Hall room 280. The caller explained the bat flew close to his face. 

Officers asked if the bat made direct contact with him and he said it had not. Officers then asked if he needed any medical attention and he said he did not.

Continuing the walk on the first floor of Phillips Science Hall once more, the officers were unable to locate the bat. 

After searching the area a bit more, there was no sign of the bat and officers then cleared the scene. 

Huettner can be contacted at [email protected].