Student Senate passes bill condemning attendance policy related to COVID-19

New antigen testing taking place in the Davies Student center and McPhee building was also discussed

Student senate met this week at 6:07 p.m. on Nov. 9. The senate met to discuss the new antigen testing facility being put in place in the Davies Student Center as well as to pass a bill related to attendance policy during the pandemic.

The legislation regarding attendance during the pandemic is meant to condemn the attendance policies which inadvertently penalize students who feel they need to stay home and take classes online in order to protect themselves or family members.

Jaden Mikoulinskii, director of Academic Affairs, brought forth the legislation. Mikoulinskii said she wanted to make sure students have the availability to choose to attend classes online if they deem it necessary.

Bill 64-R9 was passed 26-0-2, with only President Anna Ziebell and Vice President Joe Murphy abstaining.  

Ziebell said there is antigen testing now in the McPhee Physical Education Center as well as in the Davies Student Center.“I highly recommend everyone get tested,” Ziebell said.

She said this was a great way to help stop the spread of the virus because the antigen test reveals whether a person has the virus and is asymptomatic. 

Ziebell said if a student tested positive on the antigen test in McPhee, they will be sent to Student Health Services to get a PCR test, the standard test for COVID-19. 

Kristof can be reached at [email protected]