Police Blotter

Smoking and fire alarms lead officers to campus

Marijuana confiscation 

At Chancellors Hall, a resident assistant contacted the police after noticing an odor of marijuana coming from a dorm.

 At approximately 12:10 a.m. on March 11, an officer dispatched to the scene and met the RA on duty. They told the officer they thought the odor was coming from a room on the third floor. 

After getting the information, the officer took the elevator to the third floor to investigate. Immediately after stepping out of the elevator, they detected a strong odor of marijuana. 

Finding the room the smell was coming from, the officer smelled around the door frame and checked the adjacent door frame, but found the smell was coming from that room. 

The officer then proceeded to knock on the door, where one of three roommates answered. The subject was asked to identify themselves and the officer asked permission to enter the room.  

Upon entry, the officer immediately detected a strong odor of marijuana. They then proceeded to tell the subject the reason for coming into the room and asked why it smelled strongly of marijuana.

The subject told the officer she did not know where the smell came from and that she had been gone from the residence most of the evening. 

A follow-up question was asked to the subject, asking if her roommates were inside the apartment. She told the officer yes and was instructed to go wake the roommates so they could speak to the officer about the incident. 

After all roommates were in the common living room, the officer again stated the reason for coming into the room. The officer then asked them who was smoking marijuana in the room. 

One of the roommates raised their hand to inform the officer they had been smoking in their room and none of the other roommates took part in smoking. 

The officer then asked the student what type of drug and drug paraphernalia they had and where the two were located at that time. 

They told the officer both were located within their room. 

Both the student and officer went to retrieve the drugs from the room and the student gave permission for the officer to do a room search. 

The student gave the officer the drug paraphernalia in a fanny pack, consisting of a vape pen with three THC cartridges inside. The student informed the police that was all they had. 

A records check was conducted on all three subjects and all returned with no wants or probations. 

The officer then explained the Eau Claire County diversion program and advised the student to participate and they agreed.

They student was diverted for possession/use of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.  

All findings were taken to the Eau Claire police department after the officer left the scene. 

Aspenson Mogenson fire alarm

The Communication Center advised officers they had been receiving a call from a resident assistant regarding a troubled alarm coming from the fire alarm panel in the main lobby of Aspenson Mogenson at approximately 12:09 a.m. on March 12. 

When the officer arrived on scene, they observed the fire alarm panel. It showed a message that read, “trouble bedroom smoke second floor apartment.” 

After observing the message, the officer made their way to the second floor and traveled to the residence room.

The residents told the officer they were not burning any food and had not noticed any smoke or fire within their apartment.

They also told officers that they had been cooking pasta earlier that evening but had not burned anything during that time. 

The officer then informed the residence that a maintenance employee may contact them regarding the faulty smoke detector.

Once there were no more questions, the officer left the scene. 

After clearing, the officer contacted the Commonwealth Development’s after hours phone number. They then introduced themselves and explained the reason for contact and asked them to send a maintenance employee to look into the troubled alarm.

Huettner can be reached at huettntl8982@uwec.edu.