The Senate executive board is full again

Director of Communications, Parliamentarian, and nine other members are appointed

Bridget Kelley

More stories from Bridget Kelley

Editor’s Note: Yoshi Gaitan uses both she/her and they/them pronouns. For clarity, the Spectator refers to Gaitan with she/her pronouns.

This week’s senate meeting featured appointments, oaths and updates. 

Bailey Carruthers, the Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, made a motion to amend the agenda to move personnel matters ahead of reports. This motion passed.

Yoshi Gaitan was nominated for the vacant Director of Communications position and gave a presentation to the senate. 

Gaitan, a current off-campus senator, spoke about her experience as a leader in other clubs on campus. 

She is the President of Student Advocates for Sexual Assault Survivors and the community power building intern for the Office of Multicultural Affairs. 

Gaitan’s nomination passed the body after a closed-session deliberation. The senate moved into a recess immediately following her appointment.

Adler Kranich, also a current senator, presented for the vacant parliamentarian position.

Without a parliamentarian, the senate is unable to conduct official business. This was noted at last week’s meeting when the previous nominee did not pass the senate. The vacancy, along with several others, comes after a number of resignations at the beginning of the school year, including the previous parliamentarian, Jacksen Wolff. 

Kranich passed the senate after the deliberation period.

The senate then moved into appointments. Nine students were sworn into the senate body. 

The next order of business was committee appointments. All Senators must serve on at least one committee, per senate bylaws

Directors and coordinators then gave their reports, with both  President Jaden Mikoulinskii and Vice President Justin Schilling, yielding some or all of their speaking time, respectively, to the minutes, which are approved at the beginning of the next meeting. Last weeks’ minutes can be found on the senate website

Schilling shared announcements regarding homecoming. Senator Mengcha Moua shared information regarding a food and clothing drive for Afghan refugees at Fort McCoy. 

Moua also shared information regarding a potential new scholarship for students who identify as students of color or as women.

The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

The senate will reconvene at their standing weekly meeting time at 6 p.m. next Monday, Sept. 27, in the Dakota Ballroom.

Kelley can be reached at