UW-Eau Claire drops out of a multi-million-dollar infrastructure deal.
Temporary injunction on the Sonnentag Center.

The UW-Eau Claire Blugold Real Estate foundation is being sued over a breach of contract due to misrepresentation over a future Sonnentag Complex. This complex is planned to be a new event center as well as a field house.
Back in Dec. 2017, Blugold Real Estate and local developers Robb Majeski and Peter Hoeft signed a land agreement. In return, these developers were told they have the right to develop the old Student Transit Center into the Big River Education Center.
The initial announcement first occurred in 2014, since then, intentions from the Blugold Real Estate have changed.
“This new center could be a great opportunity for our school and our community. I hope there can be a resolution to this lawsuit,” said third-year communications student Lydia Bernard.
However, Blugold Real Estate plans no longer include the building that was agreed with Majeski and Hoeft.
There is still a plan for this project to be continued and finished, but not through the local developers.
“I am hopeful that all entities involved will remember that this is a project to help reinvigorate our community… Sonnetag is designed to bring people together,” said fourth-year sociology and family studies student, and student body president Jaden Mikoulinskii.
In the agreement made between both parties, it is stated that if a third-party offer was presented before December 15, 2027, they must contact the developers. This would give them a chance to do business under the terms and conditions they originally agreed on.
Both parties involved would need a written agreement over any modification to the terms and conditions as written in the original agreement.
The event center is still in progress and is expected to be done by May of 2024.
“The current litigation will not delay or change the construction of the Sonnentag Event Center and John and Carolyn Sonnentag Fieldhouse,” said Kimera Way, president of the UW-Eau Claire Foundation and executive director of University Advancement .
The plans on UW-Eau Claire’s end are continuing, as for the developers, there is still a settlement that needs to be made.
Business partners Majeski and Hoeft filed a civil suit against the Blugold Real Estate with Attorney-at-law Matthew Meyer from law firm Weld Riley representing them.
The developers argue that the Blugold Real Estate had no intentions of upholding the deal made between them and UW-Eau Claire. The contracting business involved has been serving the community for over 37 years, and this project would have been an opportunity to build a relationship with UW-Eau Claire.
The partners have stated they have invested a significant amount of money and time into researching this development. They are seeking a trial by jury in hopes of solving this lawsuit. There is also a temporary injunction to prevent any further work on the agreed property.
The Blugold Real Estate was told that they have 45 days to respond to the suit.
Maxwell can be reached at maxwelbk4749@uwec.edu.

Bridget Maxwell is a fourth-year journalism and political science student, and this is her third semester on The Spectator staff. When she isn't writing for The Spectator, she is with friends sitting on the couch binging "Dance Mom's" or "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."