Fallen tree, blue light and a car crash
Fallen Tree on Putnam Drive
On Nov. 6 at approximately 1:39 p.m., an officer was conducting a moving patrol on Putnam Drive. When he arrived at the 700 block of Putnam Drive, he saw a fallen tree blocking the road, creating a traffic hazard.
The entrance gates to Putnam Drive were closed until the tree was removed off the road.
Blue Light at Bollinger
On Nov. 1 at approximately 11:53 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the Bollinger Fields Activity Lot because of a report on an open 911 telephone line at the emergency telephone.
The officer had been dispatched to the same telephone about 20 minutes prior and found nothing.
She drove into Bollinger Fields and checked the bathroom area. On the officer’s way back to her squad car, she saw someone walking northbound on the footpath from the south.
She watched to see if the person would walk toward the emergency telephone and they did not. Instead, they turned eastbound on the footpath and walked toward the officer’s vehicle, then parked at the “T” intersection of the footpath near the Blugold softball field.
She drove to the Bollinger Lot, checked the area and found nothing, so she left the Bollinger area, and was dispatched to the same telephone.
The officer arrived at the emergency telephone and did not see anyone in the vicinity.
She checked the parking lot and surrounding area and did not locate anyone or anything of interest, so she cleared the scene.
Car Crash at Towers
On Nov. 2 at approximately 4:39 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the Towers Lot.
When he arrived, the officer met the caller who he identified by her driver’s license.
The subject reported that at about 4:20 p.m., she attempted to park her vehicle in an open parking spot north of another vehicle, but while trying to park, she undercorrected the turn.
The subject reported the front passenger’s corner bumper crashed into another driver’s side rear corner bumper. The other vehicle was unoccupied at the time.
The subject reported that she was wearing her seatbelt and she was okay and had no injuries.
The subject said her vehicle was insured, then completed a written statement of the event.
While she was completing a written statement, the officer inspected the damaged areas of the two vehicles.
He saw that the front passenger’s side corner bumper had paint transferred marks, but no dents or other visible damage.
The officer provided the subject with the police case number for insurance purposes, answered any questions she had and ended the contact.
The officer contacted the registered owner of the vehicle the subject hit using the squad primary cell phone.
When the owner answered, the officer introduced himself and explained the reason for contact. The owner agreed to meet the officer at the Towers Lot by their vehicle.
Another officer arrived on the scene and agreed to meet the owner, so the officer briefed him on the incident then cleared the scene.
Price can be reached at

Kyra Price is a fourth-year psychology and public health student. This is her seventh semester on The Spectator. When she's not grinding in the office, you may find her reading as a form of escapism or further damaging her hearing at a concert.