Elevator issues, a broken A/C and Marijuana odor
911 Call From Elevator
On Nov. 16 at approximately 9:50 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the Flesch Family Welcome Center for a stuck elevator. The Communications Center stated there was a 911 open line, but nothing was heard on the call.
The officer responded to the area and observed that the elevator was functioning normally. She pushed the call button and the elevator responded appropriately.
The officer spoke to the staff and they advised that no one had used the elevator since around 9:15 a.m., and no issues had been observed that day.
A/C Unit Issue
On Nov. 12 at approximately 1:55 a.m., an officer was dispatched to make teleservice contact regarding a case.
The officer used the primary squad phone to make contact with the complainant. She introduced herself to the complainant and asked her to explain what was going on.
The complainant explained that the A/C unit in a Towers North room was putting out an odor that smelled like cigarette smoke.
The complainant said she looked at the A/C unit but was unsure what was causing the issue. The officer asked her if she had turned the unit off and the complainant said she had.
She said she opened the windows in the room to ventilate it because the odor was very potent, and said the resident whose room it was would not be staying there for the evening.
The officer advised that based on the information provided, the complainant should advise the resident in the room to submit a maintenance request for the A/C unit through Housing.
The officer advised her that if the issue continued the following day when the resident was in the room that she could notify the police.
She agreed to this, the officer answered any questions and then ended the phone call.
Odor of Marijuana
On Nov. 13 at approximately 2:40 a.m., an officer was dispatched due to a report of the odor of marijuana on the fifth floor of Towers North.
The officer went to Towers North and met in the lobby with a resident assistant who said she smelled the odor on the fifth floor when doing rounds that morning.
The resident assistant thought it may have been coming from the bathroom or a student’s room, and called the police shortly after smelling it.
Another officer went with the officer and the resident assistant to the fifth floor and she showed them the wing where she had smelled marijuana.
The officer smelled marijuana in the hallway, and the two officers smelled the door frames of student rooms but did not detect the odor coming from any of them.
The officers went to the bathroom and the other wing of the fifth floor and did not detect the odor of marijuana.
The officer cleared the scene shortly after.
Price can be reached at

Kyra Price is a fourth-year psychology and public health student. This is her seventh semester on The Spectator. When she's not grinding in the office, you may find her reading as a form of escapism or further damaging her hearing at a concert.