An unhoused man, a traffic violation and a faulty alarm
Unhoused Male on Campus
At approximately 7:38 a.m on Dec. 8., an officer was dispatched to the Human and Science Services building to reference a check person case.
The Communications Center informed him that a faculty member reported an unhoused male sleeping on the couch in the main entrance lobby.
The officer responded to the scene.
When he arrived, the officer observed the man sleeping on the couch. He observed a bike with an attached trailer containing what appeared to be personal items next to him.
The officer made contact with the individual and explained the reason for contact. The man identified himself and reported that he was unhoused at the time and went inside the building to warm up, but fell asleep on the couch.
The officer conducted a records check on the individual with the Communications Center. While waiting for the returns, he discussed the UW-Eau Claire visitor and camping policies with the man.
The man reported that he was not aware of those policies and now knows for the future. The officer thanked the man for his cooperation and escorted him out of the building.
The officer later made contact with the professor who reported the situation, thanked them for making the report, answered any questions they had and ended contact.
Failure to Stop
On Dec. 9, an officer was parked at the intersection of 600/700 blocks of University Dr. observing traffic and stop sign violations.
The intersection is controlled by a three-way stop, and the stop signs are visible from the roadway.
At approximately 10:33 a.m., the officer observed a white sedan approaching that intersection from the east at an estimated speed of 15 mph. When the sedan reached the intersection, the officer observed it continue through the stop sign without any attempts to slow down or stop.
The officer activated their emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle. He made contact, introduced himself and explained the reason for contact.
The responsible driver was identified by their driver’s license and apologized for committing the violation.
The officer completed a Wisconsin UTC #BF136615-3 for the violation and explained and issued the citation to the driver.
He answered any questions she had and ended contact.
Alarm at Haymarket
At approximately 1:49 p.m., on Dec. 10 an officer was dispatched to Haymarket Landing in regard to an unknown alarm case.
The Communications Center advised that they received a call from a Resident Assistant in regards to a sounding alarm, and suggested the officer make contact with the RA near the main entrance to the Haymarket Landing.
Upon arrival, the officer made contact with the RA in the main lobby located on the first floor. The RA brought the officer to the main fire alarm panel where the officer heard a loud, audible trouble alarm sound.
The officer advised the RA that he would contact the appropriate officials to look into and resolve the issue.
He answered any questions and cleared the scene.
The officer made contact with the Commonweal Development using the primary squad cell phone. He introduced himself and explained the reason for contact.
The officer provided the after-hours representative with details regarding the case, answered their questions and ended the phone contact.
Price can be reached at

Kyra Price is a fourth-year psychology and public health student. This is her seventh semester on The Spectator. When she's not grinding in the office, you may find her reading as a form of escapism or further damaging her hearing at a concert.