Police Blotter

Cherry pie, an abandoned Epi-Pen and unidentified screaming

No littering

At approximately 11:50 p.m. on March 8, an officer observed an individual walk north across the footbridge along Garfield Avenue, and observed the individual throw something off the side of the bridge.

The officer was unable to locate the man, so he drove to the Water Street side of the footbridge and checked the area, but was still unable to locate the man.

The officer parked next to the Haas Fine Arts Center, then walked to the footbridge and stood in the middle for several minutes.

As he turned north, the officer noticed a man walking toward him and saw the man throw something off of the west side of the footbridge, but did not think this was the same man as earlier.

The officer asked the man what he threw over the footbridge, and the man immediately apologized saying it was a wrapper for his Kwik Trip Kwikery cherry pie. The man was eating the cherry pie as the officer approached him.

The officer escorted the man to his squad car to obtain his information. The man identified himself as a UW-Eau Claire student, then offered to go down to the river bank to pick up the wrapper.

The officer told him that would not be necessary and that he would educate him on the ordinance related to littering, and he would be released on scene with a warning.

The man understood everything explained to him, and the officer advised the man to walk another 50 yards or so as there were multiple trash and recycling bins on campus which the man acknowledged.

The officer advised the man that the contact would be documented, and the man was released on the scene without issue.

Abandoned EpiPen

At approximately 12:08 p.m. on March 9, an officer was contacted by the UW-Eau Claire Police Department’s front desk in regard to a recovered property case. 

He was informed that a red NovoPen Echo Novo Nordisk brand EpiPen had been located in a parking lot on campus.

Upon arrival, the officer took custody of the EpiPen and observed that it did not have any doses left, according to the dial. He could not identify any information on the EpiPen that indicated its owner.

The officer took a photo of the EpiPen and transferred it to the police department’s property and evidence room. He packaged the EpiPen and secured it in a locker.

Screaming at Oak Ridge

At approximately 10:19 p.m. on March 9, an officer responded to a check-person in the area of the Oak Ridge parking lot. The Communications Center informed him the complainant said she heard someone screaming for help.

Another officer was already in the area for several minutes prior to the officer’s arrival, and the initial officer said she checked the area and surrounding areas and did not locate anything or anyone.

The initial officer spoke to the complainant who confirmed the location to be the Oak Ridge parking lot, but the complainant did not supply further details.

The officer checked the area around the Towers Hall parking lot and did not locate anyone in distress, and no further calls came in about any issues.

When the officer began their shift around 9 p.m., they heard several female voices screaming near the area of the Suites, but there did not appear to be any issue or anyone in distress, and the UW-Eau Claire Police Department did not receive any calls about that instance.

Recently, there has been a pattern of people screaming for no reason on upper-campus, specifically on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, and is particularly loud when people walk from the residence halls down the hill toward the Water Street area, according to the officer.

Price can be reached at pricekb7791@uwec.edu.