The UW-Eau Claire Student Senate passed resolutions approving the Student Office of Sustainability Legislative Priority Summary (LPS) and recognizing National Coming Out Day at Monday’s meeting.
Health educator Christy Prust of Student Health Service gave a presentation on the anti-overdose Nalox-Zone Rescue Boxes installed on campus in September 2022. The boxes, which contain Narcan nasal spray, instructions and a mask, have been opened 45 times since their installation.
Prust also said SHS is working on a health and wellness vending machine to put in Davies Student Center that would include Narcan kits and fentanyl test strip kits for free, as well as over-the-counter drugs, Plan B and menstrual products for purchase.
Quincy Chapman, director of Housing and Residence Life, gave a presentation updating the senate on housing projects in the 2010-2030 Campus Master Plan.
Chapman said the primary goal of the Campus Master Plan for residence halls is to increase the total number of beds to 4,400. According to Chapman, there are currently 4,100 in traditional- and suite-style residence halls.
UW-Eau Claire was able to build The Suites and renovate Towers Hall, as outlined in the Campus Master Plan, but Chapman said they have run into obstacles completing other housing projects.
Chapman said the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on revenue and the depletion of capital reserve have postponed the renovation of Governors Hall.
The university was ready to select the general contractor for Governors renovation, but then the remaining capital reserves went towards the architect and design fees for the new Science and Health Sciences Building, Chapman said.
SOS Senate Director Sydney McGuine introduced Resolution 67-R-2 “Student Office of Sustainability Fall 2023 Priorities Summary.” McGuine said the senate bylaws require the SOS senate and student directors to create an LPS recognizing the commission’s priorities for the academic year.
The 2023-24 priorities include creating consistent waste bin signage across campus, creating a Green Therapy Space with the Equity in Student Matters Commission and making the Student Sustainability Resource Center a more inviting space for students.
Resolution 67-R-2 was passed unanimously with a vote of 29-0-2.
On-campus Senator Matthew Lehner introduced Resolution 67-R-3 “In Support of and Recognizing National Coming Out Day,” to formally recognize the annual LGBTQ+ awareness day observed on Oct. 11.
Lehner said that coming out as bisexual was one of the best decisions and writing this resolution is one of the ways he can advocate for members of the LGBTQ+ community.
“This resolution acknowledges the strength it takes for a queer individual to come out and acknowledges GSRC’s work on campus,” Lehner said.
Parliamentarian Thomas Miller said the senate has moved away from passing recognition resolutions in recent years because they can be seen as “fluff” that gets passed unanimously and they “don’t really do anything.”
Lehner said the senate should continue to pass recognition resolutions about awareness days and months because it lets communities know that they are supported and accepted on the UW-Eau Claire campus.
Resolution 67-R-3 passed unanimously with a vote of 30-0-2.
On-campus Senator Diana Abarca Palma resigned from the senate. ESM Student Director Angie Elizalde and on-campus Senator Lauren Garbisch were appointed to the Forum Series Committee.
The senate will reconvene at 6 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 16 in the Dakota Ballroom of Davies.
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