The 68th session of UW-Eau Claire’s Student Senate made several impactful decisions at their weekly meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 21.
During the meeting, the senators passed two bills regarding funding allocation for both senate and other campus organizations. Following those decisions, several new senators were sworn in.
The meeting was called to order by Student Body President Samantha Consiglio, who offered some opening remarks and updates. Other leadership members welcomed attendees and briefed their fellow senators on current efforts.
Vice President Zach Jacobson offered some encouraging words for the senate members in lieu of the upcoming election season.
“Do not lose yourself. Do not lose appreciation for the things you love and why you love them,” Jacobson said.
Some of the ongoing projects discussed at the meeting were the process of obtaining Bubblr sponsorship for the senate, connecting with McIntyre Library, campus closet collaborations and voter registration on campus.
Moving on to old business, Finance Commission Director Cole Morehouse introduced bills 68-B-1 and 68-B-2 for review.
Bill 68-B-1 was written to obtain special financial allocation for the senate’s general operations.
According to Morehouse, a representative from the Student Senate General Operations Organized Activity gave a presentation for a special allocation. Their ask was $10,224, and the amount was eventually broken down into $4,000 for travel and $6,224 for student member wages.
Morehouse said the commissioner decided to grant $8,224 with a carry-over balance of roughly $8,000, with the thought that the carry-over funds could be dipped into if needed.
The end decision was that $6,224 would be put toward student wages and $2,000 would be put towards travel.
Senator Emma Velazquez was the first to vote the bill up and it was passed by show of hand with a vote of 12-0-15.
“As a senator who sits on the finance commission, I was there for this meeting where we approved the $8,000-some to go to the student senate general operations,” Velazquez said. “I think this money will go to a good cause.”
Bill 68-B-2 was intended for a similar special allocation for the Student Organization Fund. That, too, was passed with a vote of 25-0-2.
Following the votes, Consiglio invited six new members to the front of the room, who were sworn in as senators.
The students swore to “faithfully execute the office of student senator of the student body of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.” The new senators were then invited to take their seats alongside the other members of the senate for the remainder of the meeting.
The senate moved from new business to announcements. Wisconsin College Democrats Chair Matthew Lehner reminded the group that early voting in the city of Eau Claire starts Tuesday, Oct. 22.
The directors of each campus commission including Student Health and Wellness Services, Intergovernmental Affairs, Academic Affairs, Communications, Equity in Student Matters, the Finance Commission, Student Office of Sustainability and the Student Organization Commission.
Velazquez thanked the students who attended Q-Fest, UW-Eau Claire’s annual LGBTQIA+ film festival. Velazquez said this year there were over 900 people in attendance.
Consiglio closed with an announcement of senator check-in meetings, which will be held in the next month or so. She also highlighted the senate Halloween party, which will be held after their regular meeting on Nov. 4.
The senate adjourned at 6:42 p.m. and plans to reconvene at 6 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 29 in the Dakota Ballroom.
Wojahn can be reached at