Police Blotter

A man in the resident halls denies marijuana use in his room; a suspicious telephone call leaves boy frightened and confused

More stories from Lauren Kritter


It wasn’t me

Around 10:30 p.m. on Nov. 9, the University Police was dispatched to a drug case in Towers Hall South. A resident assistant said she smelled marijuana while she was conducting rounds that night.

When the officer arrived on scene, he met with the complainant. He then went up to the suspected floor where the officer could also smell marijuana in the hallway, according to the police report.

The officer noted when he went up to the doorframe of the suspected room, a strong smell of cologne came from inside. The officer checked the other doors in the area and did not detect cologne or marijuana from any other room.

The officer knocked on the suspected door and the resident answered. When the officer asked if he could enter his room, the man replied he was on the phone with his girlfriend, denying him access to come inside.

The officer explained he would like to speak with him and again requested consent to enter the room This time the man advised he could, according to the police report.

Once inside the room, the officer was certain of the odors of marijuana and cologne. The officer introduced himself and told the man the reason for his visit. The man said he had just recently spoke to someone about a previous drug complaint and was “cleared” from any wrongdoing.

The man advised the officer his roommate had been in the room 15 minutes prior and had a slight smell of marijuana coming from his clothing, explaining that was possible reasoning for the smell that caused the complaint.

When the man was asked about the strong odor of cologne he informed the officer he had just sprayed himself because he had just gotten back from the gym and “smelled awful.”

When asked for consent to search his belongings, the man denied and advised the officer his girlfriend was mad at him for ending the phone conversation and needed to return her call.

The man said he would talk to his roommate about the smell coming from his clothing in order to prevent this from happening again in the future.

I have your number

A phone threat case made around 4:40 p.m. on Nov. 3 sent University Police to Centennial Hall to check it out.

The student complainant said he received a phone call from a number he did not recognize, a male’s voice on the other line.

The caller accused the man of smashing out his car windows, spray painting his car and then spray painting his own phone number on the side, which is how he knew what number to call.

The man tried to explain he never did that and the caller must have the wrong number. The caller said he should stop trying to deny his actions. According to the report, the caller then hung up.

The officer asked the man if there was anything going on in his life currently or in the past that might explain why someone would want to scare or threaten him. According to the report, the man said there was nothing that would motivate someone to place such a phone call.

The man added that he had no enemies and gets along with most people.

The officer then called the number back using a blocked number. The officer heard a recording saying the number had been disconnected.

The officer informed the boy of precautions he should take and to keep in contact with them if these calls continue.