The University Hall Council has entertained the idea of creating a select number of coed dorm wings. The rooms themselves would be separated by gender, but would be intermixed throughout the wing. Currently, UW-La Crosse, UW-Green Bay and UW-Parkside offer coed dorm wings.
It is proposed that the coed wings would exist on the 10th floor of Towers Hall.
The idea would be a healthy experiment that could prove to be a very popular choice for on-campus housing.
The Issue United Hall Council considers coed dorm wings. |
By occupying only one floor, traditional on-campus housing options still would be readily available to those who seek them. This option would be available to those who desire a housing situation more akin to a real world, apartment-style setting, yet want to remain on campus.
In order to ensure success, various precautions would need to be taken.
First, coed living should not be a situation forced onto anyone. Incoming freshmen, as well as transfer students, should not be shocked to find that they have been assigned to a coed wing. Instead, it should be available only to those who specifically apply for it.
Second, separate bathrooms for men and women would be in order to ensure the civility of the situation. The director of Residence Life at La Crosse credits their success to the separate bathrooms that exist on all of their coed floors.
Ultimately, coed wings could allow an escape from the “estrogen overdose” that can occur on female wings. Similarly, a possible break from the ubiquitous smell of dirty socks that is all too common on male wings – even if it’s only for a door or two.