Staying at home and taking care of the kids is literally the exact opposite of what I want to do with my life. When people ask me how many kids I want, I tell them that I want a career first. Sorry not sorry.
At the same time, though, I’m uncomfortable with the pressure of SOME feminists telling me that I am not allowed to have the desire to stay at home and take care of the kids.
The Merriam-Webster definition of feminism says “the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.”
It does not say women conquering men or the idea that all women must have careers. I am a feminist. I promise. I am uncertain about my future as a wife or mother because I have career goals and my own life to worry about. I have very passionate opinions about rape and women’s rights but that is not what this is about.
According to the definition above, (I like to think) most people are feminists.
Unless you actually think that women do not deserve equal rights (and you are actually the worst kind of person if you think that), you are a feminist!! Accept it!
Recently, extreme (or radical, ultra, whatever you want to call it) feminism has become more mainstream and I completely disagree with these feminists’ motives.
From Wikipedia, “radical feminism is a current perspective within feminism that focuses on the theory of patriarchy as a system of power that organizes society into a complex of relationships based on the assertion that male supremacy oppresses women.
Radical feminism aims to challenge and overthrow patriarchy by opposing standard gender roles and oppression of women and calls for a radical reordering of society.”
All that I get from extreme feminism is if you are not devoting your life to being a strong, independent woman, then you are doing it wrong. This is only telling me what kind of a woman I should be, which is just as bad as telling me I should be a stay at home mom.
Also, I hate this whole men vs. women thing that is associated with feminism. It just further alienates the sexes, which is the opposite of what we are trying to do.
On Jan. 29 in an article posted on Jezebel, titled “Holy Crap, Is Feminism Actually Working and Changing the World?!” the writer, Lindy West, said “It’s the End of Men!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Panic! Tip some shit over! Buy all the Tasty Bites! Drums in the deep! Doom! Doom!! DOOOOOOOOM.”
This was in response to a survey done in the UK where men stated they do not think their sisters/daughters/pals need a husband to be economically stable and men saying they need a woman to be stable.
Equality! Yes! Go women but … this is not the end of men and we shouldn’t want it to be! I think it would be much more effective to go about gaining equality in a positive manner — not making this a fight against men.
This fight would be better received and more satisfying if you support feminism for yourself and do not turn it into a battle of the sexes.
And before I get accused of being a hypocrite, it is fine for women to be extreme feminists
— just don’t tell me that I need to also support your ideals. Explain your views but do not tell me or any other woman we are wrong for our beliefs, either.
Attempting to convince anyone to rebel society norms is just as bad as telling them to conform.