Tetzlaff is a sophomore journalism major and staff writer for The Spectator. Tetzlaff can be reached at tetzlata@uwec.edu or @ttetz5.
Freshmen move-in day is the start of something new for millions of first-year college students worldwide. It’s also the beginning of a new level of responsibility and hard work.
Some students will take this fresh responsibility and run with it, but others will struggle with this unusual amount of pressure on their shoulders and falter.
Forbes reported that a 2013 University of California, Merced study shows the more money a parent dishes out for their kid’s college education directly correlates with the child performing worse academically. As years have passed less parents are paying for their student’s tuition because of the economy. However, this doesn’t take away from the problem.
This, however, is not a surprise to me. When a student isn’t paying for their college education they are more likely to take it for granted and not push themselves as hard. Whereas a student who pays his or her own bills will likely be much more conscious about academic and social decisions.
I grew up in a middle class household with two older siblings, and being the baby, I learned to earn something, you really did have to work for it. When it comes to college, this is a prime example.
I know there are those of you out there thinking won’t kids work just as hard, if not harder, because they want to please the parents who are dropping thousands on them for an education?
But according to Forbes, studies show students will feel less weight on their shoulders when they don’t have to pay for school and stress about loans. In return they will feel less obligated to study and perform well on exams.
Believe it or not, students whose educational costs are paid for entirely by their parents engage in more leisure activities, such as partying.
Most students don’t party so hard they flunk out of college, but they do damage to their academic performance.
As a student who is paying for a majority of college, I will do what it takes in order to help me get out of school in four years, and if that means studying until 3 a.m. for an exam, it will be done. No matter how hard school may be, students like me who pay for school know the pain of paying tuition every semester, so seeing A’s on your transcript is a great feeling.
I understand not every student with parents paying their bills fits the breed of a student that doesn’t perform as well, but many will take the free ride and run with it.
Along with this, Forbes also indicated students with parents paying for their college are more likely to stay more than four years in school as compared to a student paying for themselves. Not surprising whatsoever.
I believe college is a time to be independent, which is why I feel that paying for my own college is beneficial for me, although it is something that is tough to do.
By paying for my own college, I have learned how to manage my money, hold a part-time job and pay my own bills. These are all things everyone will have to do one day in society.
These skills can go a long way in helping everyone become better, more responsible people when it comes time to put on the big boy/girl pants and enter a fast-moving professional world.
Yes, college should be the best time of your life and you should meet some of the your best friends, but being able to take away a lot more than friendships and good memories should be the ultimate goal.