Was Will Smith Really the Problem, or are you Just Willing to Defend the Disrespect of Black Women?
What Chris said Wasn’t Just a Joke
Photo by Unsplash
We all watched the Oscars and saw the world-famous slap that got Will Smith sent back to Bel-Air, and we have all had something to say about it. So, let’s talk about it.
Now, before you start with the whole “violence is never the answer” and “Will went too far,” just try to remember the people who were actually hurt in this situation.
I’m not saying that I condone violence, but I am saying that it is about time that a black woman is defended.
All the country people are talking about how what Chris said on that stage was “just a joke,” but was it really “just a joke” if people were actually affected by it?
Chris Rock said, “Jada, I love you – I can’t wait for GI Jane two.” In his unscripted joke, Chris went out of his way to display not only ableism but also misogynoir.
Chris made a joke at a black woman’s expense in front of a crowd of majority white people, for nothing more than white validation, and he did it in a way that was also ableist.
For those of you who don’t know, Jada Smith has a condition called alopecia which has caused her severe hair loss and is the primary reason for her shaving her head.
Jada has publicly expressed that she struggles with this condition, and for Chris Rock to make a joke about it is absolutely unacceptable.
But Jada isn’t the only person affected by Chris’s words; Every black woman, every person with alopecia, and most of all, every black woman with a disability or condition of some sort was affected by this.
Rock used a black woman with a hair loss condition as a stepping stool for white laughter, despite knowing the history of discrimination towards black women for their hair.
Black women have been forced to cut our hair, straighten our hair, and perm our hair because it has been deemed unprofessional. Let me rephrase in case you don’t understand; Our natural hair has been deemed unprofessional.
Even still today black people are being kicked out of sports, professional settings, and colleges for our hair; its gotten so bad that a whole law, called the Crown Act, had to be created to stop the discrimination against black hair.
In society it seems that the more a black woman embraces her natural hair, the more she is penalized and discriminated against for it. A Black woman’s hair holds a great deal of historical significance, and for Jada to have to shave hers off due to a health condition is a big deal.
Chris attacked black women in two ways that night, and both of them were far more harmful than Will Smith’s slap. For the first time that I can remember, a black woman was defended in front of the world, and I, for one, am thankful for that.
Black women have gone far too long being the most disrespected and least protected people in the United States. If it was a white woman who was being shamed about her looks the whole world would have jumped to her defense.
So let’s clarify one thing. The most violent thing that happened on that stage that night, was what came out of Chris’s mouth, not the slap you are all talking about.
Jackson can be reached at [email protected]

Kiara Jackson is a fourth-year integrated strategic communication and criminal justice student and this is their second semester on The Spectator. When they are not writing for The Spectator, Kiara is likely listening to music, hanging with friends, watching Marvel or anxiously pacing around their dorm room just trying to survive their final school year.
Paul Rowsell • Apr 7, 2022 at 2:41 pm
thank you.. I keep seeing B.S. and this hits on a few points I agree with. to me it’s not just the attack on an ethnic joke its raising another flag that I see in comedy that they all hide be hind. The “It’s just a joke” defense if you listen to allot of comedy nowadays there is no majority or minority that is not attacked. But when someone lasers in(as Chris Rock likes to do) on someone and then a man who knows how to fight(Will Smith), finally steps up and defends (verbal attack is still an attack) with the weakest of physical retaliations the “It’s Just a joke” to be met with “It was just a slap.” they should compare the looks on both Jada’s and Rocks face. which got hit harder?
steve cyr • Apr 7, 2022 at 8:57 am
this perspective seems pretty misguided.
Greg R Cannon • Apr 7, 2022 at 6:25 am
Please let’s not make it even racial please, it was a clear attack on any woman or any person with a illness and a personal attack to a family member having a illness that was unable to respond as it hurt to the core. then for Chris Rock’s brother to defend him saying he didn’t know about her condition is Ludacris. Rock would have had to be hiding under a Rock or have Rock’s for brains not to know of this issue. I don’t pay much attention to the going on of celebrities and even I heard of her health issues and struggle mentally with this. It makes me wonder as the awards this year were rather under played and out of the public’s focus if it wasn’t some ploy to gain interest. Which means they perpetrated this to do what is happening now, just to enrage the public and cause more discussions over who got hurt the most and who was attacked. Either way both were in the wrong so if the Academy chooses to punish one then punish both because Chris Rock clearly instigated the attack but verbally attacking and hurting someone that could not respond due to issues dealing with medical conditions.
Diesel Balaam • Apr 7, 2022 at 2:39 am
Misogynoir? Another woke word to laugh out loud at! If Jada had slapped Chris Rock, that would have been acceptable, I think, or even better, she could have hijacked the microphone during her husband’s Oscar acceptance speech to make her point rather than playing the wounded “victim” behind her husband’s fists.
Daryle Kurt Eheler • Apr 6, 2022 at 11:01 pm
So, if I were offended by what you just said, it would be OK for me to slap you. The insult may not be obvious to you as long as it is to me. There were lots of powerful white and black women there who would have defended themselves if they felt a need, instead of relying on their mate to go ape. When you said that if that happened to a white woman the whole world would of jumped to her defense only exposes your racism. Take care
DONNA JULIA MARKS • Apr 6, 2022 at 10:19 pm
Good call, it’s good to hear the other side of the coin and it gives us all food for thought rather than just focussing on how the famous slap has left Will’s future employment.
Jose • Apr 6, 2022 at 3:43 pm
Will Smith at this point is completely broken and Jada is pulling all the strings.
She broke down his masculinity on television during a talk about why she cheated on him. Her excuse was: “If he loved me enough, he would’ve known”. Also, you dont now if Chris Rock knew that Jada had a medical condition? Although it’s rumored that Christ didn’t know about Jada’s medical condition, we don’t know if it’s true? What I know is most comedians are politically incorrect – that’s their profile – Chris Rock is just one of many Dave Chappelle’s a genius at inappropriate comedy. This had nothing to do with defending Black women, this was a violent attack on Chris Rock and Will Smith should have been arrested and charges with an assault.