The Tator

UWEC takes study abroad local

The Tator

This is a satirical article and is not meant to be taken seriously. It does not reflect the opinions of The Spectator or UW-Eau Claire.

Beginning this coming school year, UW-Eau Claire is offering new, local study abroad options, according to director of Study Abroad, Margaret Imaginary.

UW-Eau Claire is the first school in the UW System to offer study abroad at other UW schools, and Imaginary said this is a great opportunity for students to expand their horizons without going so far from home.

“It’s an exciting chance for students to open their minds and expand their experience base,” said Imaginary. “I’m so excited for kids to get to visit a part of Wisconsin they’ve never seen before.”

Imaginary said the cost of the program will be similar to other study abroad trips. Students will pay tuition for both UW-Eau Claire and the school they choose to visit, as well as room and board and travel fees.

“The cost is completely fair and totally worth it,” said Imaginary. “This new program presents students with the opportunity of a lifetime. Why visit France or Costa Rica when you could explore brand new cultural experiences in your own backyard?”

Claudia Fictitious, a second-year nursing student, said she has looked into the program but is apprehensive.

She said she wants the study abroad experience, but is worried her major, nursing, is too uncommon and she will not be able to fill the credits she needs to fill.

“Nursing is still so out there,” said Fictitious. “The chance to study at UW-Madison is once in a lifetime, but if I can’t take the classes I need to graduate, there isn’t a point to going.”

The language barrier is also a worry for Fictitious.

“I know there are a lot of French and Spanish majors, and I’m worried about not being able to communicate with them,” said Fictitious. “I did take Spanish 101 and 102 this past year, so I’m really hoping that helps me fit in.”

A big interest for Fictitious is the Greek life and party culture at UW-Madison. She said she never partied much before college or in Eau Claire, but she is ready to branch out.

“I heard there’s this big block party called Mifflin,” said Fictitious. “That’s a cultural experience I couldn’t get anywhere else. And I heard the drinking age in Madison is 18, like in Europe.”

Third-year business administration student Theo Retical said he is anxiously awaiting the start of next semester and his trip to UW-Whitewater.

Retical said he was originally planning on studying abroad in Spain, but heard about the new local options and reconsidered.

“There are so many new opportunities in Whitewater that I just wouldn’t get if I went somewhere in Europe. The business program at Whitewater is incredible. It’s so hard to find a business program that pushes me the way I need it to, and I’m excited to meet more like-minded people,” said Retical.

The program requirements to get accepted to study at UW-Whitewater are tough, according to Retical.

“You need a 2.5 GPA for the Whitewater trip, and I worked extra hard to make sure I met the requirements. I got my cumulative up to a 2.51 last semester and I’ve never been so proud,” said Retical. “I even took a full 12 credits for the first semester ever.”

Retical said his parents were unsure about whether the UW-Whitewater trip was his best option, but after some convincing he got them on board.

“My mom said she won’t visit me because the hour drive is too long and she gets cramps, but my dad said he’ll try to make time to come up for Spring Splash,” said Retical.

The thought of traveling somewhere so new and so different is daunting to Retical, but he said it is a challenge he is ready to take on.

“I’m so lucky I was accepted into this program,” said Retical. “It’s extremely competitive and such an exciting opportunity.”

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