UW-Eau Claire men’s soccer team is defeated by St. Olaf on the road

Men’s soccer team lost their second game of the season against St. Olaf

Photo by Nick Hoven

Max Walters fires a shot at the Oles’ goal.

The UW-Eau Claire men’s soccer team lost their game against St. Olaf with a score of 3-0. 

The game was held on Oct. 6 at Rolf Mellby Field in Northfield, Minnesota. The teams are going head-to-head for regional placement and “both squads brought the physicality and fast pace play,” according to blugoldathletics.com

Casey Holm, the head coach of the men’s soccer team, said that the team played well, but struggled to score. The opportunities presented themselves, but they weren’t able to shoot a goal. 

“Our offense has been very good, we just need to get back on track,” said Holm. “Getting some rest and getting the guys healthy will definitely help out going forward.”

The Blugolds started the game with five shots in the first half of the game, putting pressure on the Oles, according to blugoldathletics.com

St. Olaf scored two goals in the first half, leaving UW-Eau Claire down at halftime. UW-Eau Claire started similarly in the second half, with attack shots in the first 20 minutes. Ole’s defense stopped the Blugolds from scoring. 

St. Olaf scored one more goal by the end of the game, closing off the second half with a score of 3-0. 

Nathan Donovan, a second-year biology student, led the team with six shots. He fired two shots in the first 20 minutes of the game. Spencer Banks, a second-year finance major and goalkeeper, saved two of the five shots from the Oles. 

This is the Blugolds’ second loss of the season. They had their first loss against the Augsburg University Auggies in a game on Oct.4. 

According to Holm, the team took their first, three-day rest break during homecoming to allow the team to recover and continue their season. 

Carter Thiesfeld, second-year accounting student and midfielder, said that the team has felt motivated to work harder than ever, in order to finish off the season strong. 

“I think we’ve all come to the realization that we’ve been brought closer together by the loss,” Theisfeld said. “We are all there for each other and picking each other up, so I think it actually  improved our morale.”

Max Walters, a fourth-year biochemistry major, said that the team’s recent losses gave the team a reality check and they are hungrier than ever to win more games going forwards. 

“If we keep our practices competitive, I think we can continue to perform to the best of our abilities,” said Walters. “Every game, we are proud that we went out there and did the best we could.”

Holm, Thiesfeld and Walters unanimously agreed that the team puts a strong emphasis on teamwork and unity. According to Holm, the team works very hard and is always looking forward.

“We value being together rather than working as individuals,” said Thiesfeld.  “We are focused on being a team more than anything else.”

The Blugolds’ next game will be at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 14 at Finlandia University in Hancock, Michigan. 

The Finlandia University Lions are 6-4-3 this season, and also competing for regional placement, according to fulions.com.  

Allessi can be reached at [email protected]