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The official student newspaper of University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire since 1923.

The Spectator

The official student newspaper of University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire since 1923.

The Spectator

The official student newspaper of University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire since 1923.

The Spectator

All content by Sam Martinez
Blugolds lose and tie over the weekend

Blugolds lose and tie over the weekend

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
December 10, 2015
Engaging the audience

Engaging the audience

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
December 9, 2015
Finding team identity on the ice

Finding team identity on the ice

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
November 19, 2015
Keagan Kinsella, Jenna Smits, Hannah Theisen and Talia Jaskulske await the serve against the Pointers.

Blugold women’s volleyball playoff run ends

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
November 19, 2015
African film comes to Woodland Theater

African film comes to Woodland Theater

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
November 11, 2015
Keagan Kinsella, Jenna Smits, Hannah Theisen and Talia Jaskulske await the serve against the Pointers.

Blugolds drop home tournament game

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
November 5, 2015
Former State SenatorDale Schultz, R-Richland Center, stays late after his presentation to speak with Margaret Cameron of Eau Claire about education.

Dealing with diversity

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
November 4, 2015
Former State SenatorDale Schultz, R-Richland Center, stays late after his presentation to speak with Margaret Cameron of Eau Claire about education.

Discussing the districts

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
November 3, 2015
Senior Jenna Smits sets the ball up for the team's hitters Emily Miller (top) and Kelly Riesgraf (bottom) in a match against Northwestern—St. Paul (Minn.). The home match was part of the Sandy Schumacher memorial tournament and part of the Blugolds’ current nine-game winning streak.

Volleyball continues to impress

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 29, 2015
We are now living in the future

We are now living in the future

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 21, 2015
Coming back to coach

Coming back to coach

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 15, 2015
The transfer center on Farwell has been used since the 1980’s. The city is currenly asking community members on input for the location of a new facility.

Eau Claire “outgrows” transfer center

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 14, 2015
Kev Marcus takes a break from the electric Violin to pump up the audience in Schofield.

Black Violin brings audience out of their seats

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 11, 2015
Competing close to home

Competing close to home

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 1, 2015
Volleyball goes 3-1 over weekend

Volleyball goes 3-1 over weekend

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 24, 2015
Picking Banjos at The Cabin

Picking Banjos at The Cabin

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 23, 2015
Teammates on and off the court

Teammates on and off the court

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 17, 2015
 Former UW-Eau Claire professor Brian Wright serves as judge Eau Claire county branch one. Gov. Scott Walker appointed him last July.

From professor to public servant

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 17, 2015
The 5th annual Eau Claire Comic Con brought illustrators, sculptors, collectors and fans to Metropolis resort last Saturday.

5th Annual Eau Claire Comic Con held at Metropolis

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 16, 2015
Keagan Kinsella, Hannah Theisen, Jenna Smits and Kasey Schumacher celebrate a kill in the third set of loss to Viterbo on Thursday evening

Blugold volleyball falls to ranked opponent

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 10, 2015
Acrobats in the Arena

Acrobats in the Arena

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
February 7, 2015
Dr. Brady Foust shares his presentation on the economic benefits of the Confluence Project at Fanny Hill Resteraunt on Wednesday. His presentation was part of the "Let's do Lunch" series hosted by the Alumni Association.

The Economics of Art

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
January 29, 2015
Holder Tractors are the main way facilities management remove snow from sidewalks, the footbridge, and the hill. When not in use, they are stowed away in the facilities management building. - Photo by Sam Martinez

Removing the right snow

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
December 11, 2014
Santa found time in his busy schedule to visit UW-Eau Claire on Saturday. He came to the University Bookstore to read to children and spread Holliday cheer.

Santa visits campus to spread holiday cheer

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
December 8, 2014
JOKE’S ON YOU: Justin Schenck closes an evening of comedy at Pizza Plus on Tuesday. He is one of several comedians who regularly performs at Tuesday open-mic nights. - Photo by Sam Martinez

A community of comedy

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
December 3, 2014
The Great Debate

The Great Debate

Story by Jessie Tremmel and Sam Martinez
November 24, 2014
Jared Hart, the owner of The Pickle on Water Street, was recently sentenced to 18 months in federal prison and fined $100,000 for tax evasion.

Keeping the cash

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff writer
November 18, 2014
Several people involved with the Confluence Project pose for a photo during the Groundbreaking Shovel Ceremony in the State Theatre. The Haymarket Groundbreaking Ceremony marked the start of construction on the mixed use Haymarket Landing building downtown. - Submitted Photo

Celebrating construction

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
November 12, 2014
Henry Bergmann playing trombone for Doks Robotiks at the Pizza Plus concert Friday evening. - Photo by Tyler Henderson

Rocking the Plus

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
November 4, 2014
Alpha Phi Omega holds biannual blood drive

Alpha Phi Omega holds biannual blood drive

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 30, 2014
Sophomore goalie Rachel Griffiths records one of her five saves Saturday against UW-Oshkosh.

Soccer shutout on Senior Day

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 19, 2014

Saturday’s Cabin performance a no-show

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 14, 2014
Travel writer Frank Bures reads one of his stories to the audiences after his talk in Centennial.

Writer’s talk hits close to home

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 14, 2014
Chancellor Schmidt responds to students questions and concerns over the Menomonee Street event Center.

Discussing the future

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 2, 2014

Discouraging the vote

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
October 1, 2014

[Video] Using technology to engage students

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 25, 2014

The return of an Eau Claire tradition

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 23, 2014
The Hi Matics jam out in The Cabin on Saturday night, entertaining the audience with their unique folk/indie rock style.

Two different bands rock The Cabin

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 15, 2014
A big flock of UW-Eau Claire students tour the Phoenix Park area Friday night.

New students take a stroll downtown

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 8, 2014

Child’s play

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 5, 2014
Fifth annual After Dark event draws record crowd

Fifth annual After Dark event draws record crowd

Story by Sam Martinez, Staff Writer
September 3, 2014
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Sam Martinez